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'How was it? I asked Dave while this toilet was proceeding, and we stood ready for the trick or attempt at resistance we more than half expected from the Frenchman. 'I guess you heard it about all. Trent lay there wide awake, mighty blue, and too weak to lift his head; and a big negress was half-dozing in her chair by the bedside, with a pistol at her elbow.

There, on the 24th August, as he lay half-dozing on his couch, he was told that the siege was at last successful; upon which he called for a goblet of wine, drained it eagerly, and then lay resting his head on his hand, like one absorbed in thought. When they came to arouse him from his reverie they found that he was dead.

Extreme fatigue had deadened consciousness, yet she fancied that at times she heard the sound of footsteps on the pavement outside, and the deep voices of men. Nor was what she heard in her half-dozing state, which was soon followed by the sound slumber of youth, any delusion of the senses. The moon found something in front of the Ortlieb house worth looking at.

Tozer half-dozing in the tranquillity and warmth. "Grandmamma, I have brought Mr. May and Mr. Northcote to see you," she said. The poor old lady almost sprang from her chair in amazement. "Lord bless us, Phoebe, Mr. May!" "Don't disturb yourself, grandmamma; they will find seats.

A notable incident occurred on the recital of the line in the "Oedipe" of Voltaire: "L'amitié d'un grand homme est un bienfait des dieux." As if moved by a sudden inspiration, Alexander arose and warmly pressed the hand of Napoleon, who was then half-dozing at his side. On the surface, indeed, everything was friendship and harmony.

These words were continually in her mind, and the remembrance of the peace and joy which she had once felt in thinking of the things belonging to the kingdom only made her more miserable. "Hark! what was that?" exclaimed Ruth one night, starting up in bed. She had been half-dozing, half-dreaming, when she was startled by a slight noise downstairs, as if something had fallen.

There, on the 24th August, as he lay half-dozing on his couch, he was told that the siege was at last successful; upon which he called for a goblet of wine, drained it eagerly, and then lay resting his head on his hand, like one absorbed in thought. When they came to arouse him from his reverie they found that he was dead.

Ten days ago, when he was sitting half-dozing by the stove, thinking of nothing in particular, a face had drifted up from his subconscious memory, grouping its features about the eyes. He had staggered to his feet, horrified at the significance which this new knowledge, if true, gave to the motive of the crime.

It was profoundly still out of doors and in the house; and as he lay exhausted, the events of the last few days and months swam through his mind in misty confusion. Half-dozing, half-sleeping, every thing glimmered before him, and the still hours stole by.

There, on the 24th August, as he lay half-dozing on his couch, he was told that the siege was at last successful; upon which he called for a goblet of wine, drained it eagerly, and then lay resting his head on his hand, like one absorbed in thought. When they came to arouse him from his reverie they found that he was dead.