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Bitterly did the Buccaneer comment upon the rashness and impetuosity so frequently evinced by De Guerre. "It is perfectly useless," he said, "attempting to curb these boy heroes! the rushing blood must have its way until arrested by age, not wisdom; the hot head must be cooled by the ice of time, and not till then will the arguments or experience of others be regarded as they merit."

A fortnight or so after Wolfe's army and Saunders's fleet had sat down before Quebec, McGilveray, having been told by a sentry at Montmorenci where Anstruther's regiment was camped, that a French girl on the other side of the stream had kissed her hand to him and sung across in laughing insolence: "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre,"

Doctor Bronson cursed in a most undignified and unprofessional manner. Then without further comment he went on and completed the examination. "That'll do," he said, and lent a hand while Lane put on his clothes. It was then he noticed Lane's medal. "Ha! The Croix de Guerre!... Daren, I was a friend of your father's. I know how that medal would have made him feel. Tell me what you did to get it?"

Sent back to Artigues, he was interrogated in prison by the judge of Rieux, and confessed his imposture at great length. He said the idea first occurred to him when, having returned from the camp in Picardy, he was addressed as Martin Guerre by several intimate friends of the latter.

Yet are there degrees in honour, and amongst the first of them I should rank founders of commonwealths, or even states, such as we read of in history Romulus " "And you would, I suppose, include the name of Cromwell in the list you were about to make?" interrupted De Guerre. "And why not?" retorted the other proudly; "why not Cromwell? Is the oak to be despised because it was once an acorn?

"Sale oiseau!" her defiant cry shrills up. "Just like you, to come on my grown-up evening! But you shan't spoil it. No, sister, I don't want to go in. I came out to say good-night to the chickens and rabbits, and tell them not to be afraid." Behind the lilies and late roses and laurels is quite a menagerie of domestic animals, housed among growing potatoes, beans, and tomatoes. C'est la guerre!

"Most undoubtedly, were it possible; but I know, I feel it is too late: the damning " "Sir!" interrupted the Roundhead warmly, "I have just cautioned you against the use of profane words; yet you stuff them down my throat. I am crammed, sir, with your blasphemy." "Is this a time to stand on words?" inquired De Guerre, with great quietude of manner.

Just outside it, off the road on slightly rising ground at the end of an avenue, is another and larger Ossario, containing twenty thousand skulls and sets of bones, French and Austrian. The building is full of banners and wreaths and memorial tablets, including one lately sent by the French troops now fighting on the Italian Front. "Ceux de la grande guerre A ses glorieux anciens. 1859-1918."

The wife, to be sure, will feel something more than her husband's equal, and the Frenchwoman never has felt herself the inferior in the matrimonial partnership. But how about the wage earners? Those that made ten to fifteen francs a day in the Usines de Guerre, and will now be making four or five?

By the way, Sir Willmott Burrell has little reason to thank Major Wellmore for this new introduction; though it must be quite delightful to make either a lover or a husband jealous. Ah, I see you do not agree with me I did not expect you would; but, do you know, I have taken it into my head that this De Guerre is not De Guerre." "Indeed! who is he then?"