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At these words Georgette became purple, and could not repress a slight start of disquietude, which happily escaped Grivois, who was occupied with watching over the safety of her pet, whom Frisky continued to snarl at with a very menacing aspect; and Georgette, having quickly overcome her temporary emotion, firmly answered: "Miss Adrienne went to rest very late last night.

"I will go and inform the superior, and it will be done," said the portress, with another bend. "Now, will you come, my dear young ladies?" resumed Mrs. Grivois, addressing the two girls, who had secretly bestowed a few caresses upon Spoil sport, so deeply were they touched by his instinctive attachment; "you will be introduced to your relation, and I will return and fetch you in half an hour.

The world was kept in ignorance of the motive; but one thing was evident, viz., that Mrs. Grivois enjoyed great privileges under the princess, and was treated by her rather as a companion than as a tiring woman. "Here are Florine's notes, madame," said Mrs. Grivois, giving the paper to the princess. "I will examine them presently," said the princess; "but tell me, is my niece coming?

Baleinier will do the rest." "Fortunately," continued the princess, "one of my women, Mrs. Grivois, had accompanied me.

No doubt, she loved her dog as much as we love Spoil-sport." "Alas! yes," replied Blanche. "We also wept when our old Jovial was killed." After a few minutes, Mrs. Grivois raised her head, dried her eyes definitively, and said in a gentle, and almost affectionate voice: "Forgive me, young ladies!

Grivois, pale with rage, again stepped into her hackney-coach, in which were My Lord's lifeless remains, she saw with the utmost vexation that Spoil-sport was lying at a few steps from the gate, which Nicholas had just closed, having given up the chase in despair.

Grivois on account of her dog's behavior, said to her, as with difficulty he restrained his anger: "If you did not belong to the fair sex, which obliges me to respect you in the person of that wretched animal I would have the pleasure of taking him by the tail, and making him in one minute a dog of the brightest orange color, by plunging him into my cauldron, which is already on the fire."

"But before nine o'clock she came home, after having passed the night out of her house. Eight o'clock was the time at which she returned, however." Florine looked at Mrs. Grivois with profound astonishment, and said-"I do not understand you, madame." "What's that? Madame did not come home this morning at eight o'clock? Dare you lie?"

"What has your mistress done this morning since you saw her?" "Very well. And this letter?" "Jerome had to go out, and I gave it him to put in the post-office." "Idiot!" exclaimed Mrs. Grivois: "couldn't you bring it to me?" "But, as madame dictated it aloud to Georgette, as is her custom, I knew the contents of the letter; and I have written it in my notes." "That's not the same thing.

When the servant had discreetly withdrawn with Mrs. Grivois, the marquis quickly approached the princess, held out his hand to her, and said with a voice of emotion: "Herminia, have you not concealed something in your letters. In her last moments did not my mother curse me?" "No, no, Frederick, compose yourself. She had anxiously desired your presence. Her ideas soon became confused.