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As Arcot's party arrived, they learned that each of the wrecks was being assigned to one group. They further learned that because of their scientific importance, they were to go to the nearly perfect ship lying off to the west. Two Air Patrolmen were to accompany them. "Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Greer will go with you," said the Colonel.

Greer had attended the trial, and was one of the warmest admirers of Bart's performance. Nobody knew much about this man, except that he was often on hand, well dressed, drove good horses, was open, free and pleasant, with plenty of leisure and money, always well received, and often sought after.

Willock, careful not to show himself, stared at the skiff as it shot out from the landing, his brow wrinkled in anxious thought. He felt strange and dizzy, and at first fancied it was because of the resolution that had taken possession of him the resolution to return to Greer County and give himself up.

"Say, it's too bad to turn around and swim away from that vessel!" he lamented wearily, "and this sun is fierce!" "I say let's try going through!" encouraged Greer. "It'll be difficult," warned Caradoc. "Won't swimming clear around the earth be difficult?" demanded Greer hotly. "Proceed," agreed Caradoc tersely. "It's all one to me."

He saw it was seaweed. Presently more strands came beating down on the spume to sting him. The youth was crouching in his oilskins for protection, when he was surprised by a hand laid on his arm. He looked around and saw it was Deschaillon and the silent Farnol Greer. "Eet makes bad weather," remarked the Frenchman, peering at the dark rolling Alps about the dock.

Assaulted by the Mexican police and populace, eight of the band rode away and four were penned into an uncompleted adobe house. Jim Vaughn of the raiders was killed and Harris Greer was wounded. On the attacking side was wounded Francisco Tafolla, whose son in later years was killed while serving in the Arizona Rangers.

But, at last, April the twenty-second, 1889, had been appointed as the day on which the Oklahoma country was to be opened up to settlement, and it was to meet this event that Wilfred Compton had left Greer County.

As far as he could see there was no other communication from one side of the river to the other. He observed the departure of the launch, with a calm brow. He guessed its errand, and was not at all averse to having the police brought down, and the whole matter thoroughly aired. All day the wheels revolved, and all during the following night, Ambrose and young Greer watching the machine by turn.

He's going to put Greer on the scrub to-morrow." "That's where you might as well be," answered the big center good-naturedly. "The idea of playing a criss-cross with your right end on the side-line!" "We took two yards just the same," replied Warren. "We gave it to you, my lad, because we knew that if you lost on such a fool play your name would be well, anything but Thomas 'Stumpy' Warren."

Madden and Greer propelled themselves slowly toward the schooner, waiting for their friend to close up. They could not keep their eyes off the Englishman. Every moment they expected to see him jerked under, or they expected to see a huge shadowy form strike at themselves through the clear green water. Once Madden looked at the dock.