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There came a day when Grantley Mellen found himself alone with a terrible misery, with no faith left, no trust in humanity to give a ray of light in the darkness of his betrayal. The friend whom he had trusted eloped with his affianced bride, and cheated him out of a large sum of money. With that sudden treachery and bitter grief, Mellen's youth ended.

"A body must wonder, I s'pose, black or white," said Clo, angrily. "But dat's all you've seen?" "Dat's all, and it's 'nuff and more too." Grantley Mellen stepped back into the library and closed the window. He had need to be alone. Every day, every hour, the mystery which had intruded into his home deepened and took more appalling shapes.

May I open the door?" Elizabeth was seemingly quiet, but the change in her manner would have been apparent to any one less self-engrossed than Elsie. "Open it," she answered; "I am ready." Grantley Mellen entered the room, and led them both away down stairs; but he felt the sudden tremor in his young wife's hand, the sort of shrinking from his side, and his suspicious mind caught fire instantly.

Such are the enterprise and conquering spirit of our people! By this time it was certain that Golovin Bay was open. The Klondikers and Yukoners, a sturdy lot of earnest men and not looking a bit starved, were pouring into town from St. Michaels, and the report came that ships at the northwest were unloading at Teller and Grantley Harbor.

There, in that lowly room, Grantley Mellen held his wife to his bosom and the last fire of his old wrong impetuous nature, went out forever in thankfulness and tears. Elizabeth Mellen was home again home under her husband's roof, for ever at home in his heart. She sat in her dressing-room. The autumnal sunshine came through its windows, with a rich, golden warmth.

She has gone forever, and I loved her so I loved her so. You and I must live on as best we can it is only for you, child, that I live at all." "Only bring her back clear it all up the truth the truth at last! Oh, Grantley, I " Her words were so indistinct that he could not gather their meaning; she was struggling more fiercely than ever, and it required all his strength to hold her.

Among well-known sportsmen who were actually so fortunate as to have witnessed this interesting performance, passing mention may be made of the late Duke of Beaufort, the Hon. Grantley Berkeley, and Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey. Reference has already been made to the now obsolete use of nets for the capture of these birds when "roding."

I came with Phyllis Devereux, and she and I took poor Betty Bernard out after blackberries, and she thought it was a mad bull when it was a railway whistle, and ran into a cow-pond, and Cousin Rotherwood came and Captain Grantley and got her out." Magdalen was smiling and nodding recollection, and added, "It was really one of the boys." "Oh, yes."

Who brought this? that's the first question, from Gwen. Lupin gives a hurried account. It is Mr. Sandys, the station-master at Grantley Thorpe, who has galloped over himself to make sure of delivery. Is he gone? No he has taken his horse round to Archibald at the Stables to refit for a quieter ride back. Very well.

"Don't you be afraid. His folks are old friends of mother's. We'll let up on him till we get him safe to Grantley." "Then we'll fix him." They had plots and plans enough to talk about; but neither they, nor any of the boys they named, nor any of the other boys they did not name, had the least idea of what the future really had in store for them.