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229. =Calf's Foot Jelly.= Thoroughly clean a calf's foot; put it into an earthen jar, with half the rind of a fresh lemon, two gills of sweet milk, and one pint of cold water; close the jar tightly, put it into a moderate oven, and slowly bake it for three hours; then strain and cool it, and remove all fat, before using; it is bland and harmless.

They found the little fellow's rags by the side of the stream, and they also discovered his body in the water, and buried it over in Vendale churchyard. II. A Lonely, Mischievous Water-Baby Tom was very happy swimming about in the river, although he was now only about four inches long, with a set of external gills, just like those of an eft. There are land-babies, and why not water-babies?

Split the pigeons in half, skewer each half as neatly as possible with tiny skewers, so that they will not sprawl when dished; flour and season them lightly, and fry a nice brown on both sides; add one small carrot, one small turnip, two sticks of celery, one shallot, six mushrooms all cut small; add a bouquet garni and three gills of rich stock; let them all simmer very slowly in a stewpan for one hour, or longer if the birds are not young.

Miss Florence put your feet on the fender to dry how damp they are here's an adventure, Uncle, eh? God bless my soul, how hot I am! Solomon Gills was quite as hot, by sympathy, and in excessive bewilderment.

A large number of Scotch navvies were at the inns of the town, making an obstreperous auroval in celebration of the monthly pay-day. They had received the day preceding a month's wages, and they were now drinking up their money with the most reckless hilarity; swallowing the pay of five long hours at the pick in a couple of gills of whiskey.

Frank looked queer around the gills, so to speak, but the gaunt Stewart never batted an eye. "I camped here two years ago," he said, "An' the cave was alive with rock-rats, mice, snakes, horned-toads, lizards an' a big Gila monster, besides bugs, scorpions' rattlers, an' as fer tarantulers an' centipedes say! I couldn't sleep fer the noise they made fightin'."

'Was it you calling Charley? His name's Charley, you see; Charley Phillips. "'No, I said. 'I didn't see anything. You must have been asleep, Mr. Phillips. "He looked at me, rather raw about the gills, took a look at the Gunfleet Light and bent down again to me. "'Did you see anything? He waved his hand towards the Essex coast. 'Yes, I said. 'Green lights.

"Let us go back," said the Doctor; "perhaps we shall meet him higher up;" and looking faint and utterly exhausted, he followed the two Indians as they chose the most easy part of the valley for walking, the Doctor's words proving to be right, for they came upon Joses toiling down towards the passage leading to the plain with six heavy fish hanging from a tough wand thrust through their gills.

Whales bring forth living young; they breathe atmospheric air through their lungs in place of water through gills, having also a double heart and warm blood, like land animals. Flying-fish are frequently seen, queer little creatures, resembling the smelts of our northern waters. While exhibiting the nature of a fish, they have also the soaring ambition of a bird.

"I've what you calls an appointment wiv 'im, yer know. And.... 'Ere the blighter is! Good evenin', sir. Pleased ter see yer again, though lookin' a bit pale abaht the gills, if yer don't mind my sayin' so." "And so would you be, if you'd been through the ordeal I 'ave this afternoon," snapped out Borkins in reply. "It's a beastly job a-tellin' people what yer seen and 'eard. It is indeed!"