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I became, in short, the gangling farm boy my aunt had known, scourged with chilblains and bashfulness, my hands cracked and sore from the corn husking. I felt the knuckles of my thumb tentatively, as though they were raw again. I sat again before her parlor organ, fumbling the scales with my stiff, red hands, while she, beside me, made canvas mittens for the huskers.

They followed the sheriff and his charge into the court-room, where Mrs. Newbolt introduced Colonel Price to her son. While Joe and his mother sat in whispered conversation at the attorney's table, the colonel studied the youth's countenance. He had expected to meet a weak-faced, bony-necked, shock-headed type of gangling youngster such as ranged the Kentucky hills in his own boyhood.

To Kitty, with his tired eyes and weather-bitten face, his bony, gangling body, he had the appearance of a lazy man. Actually she knew him to be a man of tremendous vitality and endurance. Eagles when they roost are heavy-lidded and clumsy. She wondered if there was a corner on the globe he had not peered into. For thirty years he had been following two gods Rumour and War.

"Are you wondering the same thing I'm wondering?" "Yes," Greg said slowly. "I think I am." "Then that makes three of us," a heavy voice rumbled from the bedroom door. Johnny Coombs was a tall man, so thin he was almost gangling, with a long nose and shaggy eyebrows jutting out over his eyes.

There was a gangling figure walking down the concrete path between the trim, monotonous cottages that were officers' quarters at the Shed. Joe said sharply: "That's Haney! What's he doing here?" He called, "Haney!" Haney's manner took on purpose. He came across the grass the lawns around the officers' quarters contained the only grass in twenty miles. "Hiya," said Haney uncomfortably.

Consetena Tate had unwittingly stumbled upon a solution of that "surplus" difficulty. He wasn't thinking of the surplus. He was too utterly impractical for that. He was a tall, gangling, effeminate, romantic, middle-aged man whom his parents still supported and viewed with deference as a superior personality. He was Smyrna's only literary character.

I cannot bear to think of him! I cannot bear to have his shadow, even, fall upon me now, or come near you!" That gangling bridegroom in his ill-fitting suit, with his wincing mouth, his eyes full of disgust and aversion, his air of a man sentenced to death or marriage with herself came before her, and she shivered. Despite her words a horrible jealousy of that unknown man assailed him.

When the echo of the horse's hoofs had ceased, a lean gangling figure came from out of the field-brush, and met him. "Why, David boy! whar were ye to-night?" Scofield's voice had grown strangely tender in the last hour. Gaunt hesitated. He had not the moral courage to tell the old man he had enlisted. "I waited. I must air the church, it is polluted with foul smells."

Cy Bogart covered Fern's nervous hand with his red paw, and when she bounced with half-anger and shrieked, "Let go, I tell you!" he grinned and waved his pipe a gangling twenty-year-old satyr. "Disgusting!" When Maud and Erik returned and the grouping shifted, Erik muttered at Carol, "There's a boat on shore. Let's skip off and have a row." "What will they think?" she worried.

"That's him now," said an ink-smeared lad, and nodded toward a tall, gangling, mustachioed fellow in a black felt hat who had just come up the stairs. Queed marched straight for the little cubbyhole where the proof-readers and copy-holders sweated through their long nights. "You are Mr. Pat, head proof-reader of the Post?" "That's me, sor," said Mr.