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Fareforth Furlong passed into the hall took up the simple silk hat, the stick and gloves of the working clergyman and walked out on to the avenue to begin his day's work in the parish. The rector's parish viewed in its earthly aspect, was a singularly beautiful place.

Yearling Furlong halted, eyeing Cadet Dodge sternly, keenly. "Well," demanded Dodge, "what's wrong?" "I don't know exactly," replied Furlong, with a quizzical smile. "I think, though, that the basic error lay in your ever having been born at all." Dodge tried to laugh it off as a pleasantry.

In 1580 a strange apparition happened in Somersetshire three score personages all clothed in black, a furlong in distance from those that beheld them; "and after their appearing, and a little while tarrying, they vanished away, but immediately another strange company, in like manner, color, and number appeared in the same place, and they encountered one another and so vanished away.

It was curious that her purpose should lead her thus. For somehow all sense of delight in these possessions had passed from her. At one time the thought of his thousands upon thousands of acres had filled her with a world of desire, and pride that she was to share in them. But not now. With every furlong she covered her mood depressed, and her sense of dread increased.

Furlong, your steward-ship ceased with the life of your principal; if you have any keys or papers to deliver, I advise your placing them in the hands of this gentleman, whom, beyond all cavil, I take to be the rightful Sir Wycherly Wychecombe." Furlong was a cautious, clear-headed, honest man, and with every desire to see Tom defeated, he was tenacious of doing his duty.

"Why should we do anything to the plebes? And yet, in a trusting moment, we elected old ramrod to be president of the class! Why should we -o-o-o-o-h!" Cadet Furlong made a gurgling sound in his throat, as though he were perishing for lack of air. "Prescott isn't serious," hinted Griffin. "Yes, I am," contended Dick, half stubbornly. "Griffin, what did you think of yearlings -last year?"

Its direction, however, was in general towards the southwest. My uncle made several pauses in order to consult his compass. The gallery now began to trend downwards in a horizontal direction, with about two inches of fall in every furlong. The murmuring stream flowed quietly at our feet.

"Perhaps it can't be done," suggested Dick. "It must be done!" uttered Furlong savagely. "Well, I can't think of any yearling better suited to the task that you are, Milesy!" "One man? or one tentful, isn't equal to any such gigantic piece of work!" retorted Furlong. "Ramrod, you've got to appoint a class committee to take these two baboons in hand. It ought to be done this very night, too.

Fyshe he had met already that afternoon at the Palaver, and he called him "Fyshe" as if he had known him forever; and indeed, after a few minutes he called the rector of St. Asaph's simply "Furlong," for he had been familiar with the Anglican clergy in so many parts of the world that he knew that to attribute any peculiar godliness to them, socially, was the worst possible taste.

I had not proceeded a furlong before I saw seated on the dust by the wayside, close by a heap of stones, and with several flints before him, a respectable-looking old man, with a straw hat and a white smock, who was weeping bitterly. "What are you crying for, father?" said I. "Have you come to any hurt?"