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The big man entered, saluted, came straight over to his young lord's side, no whit hesitating, and said, as heartily as if there had never been a hard word between them: "M. Étienne, I had liefer see you stand here than the king himself." M. Étienne displayed the funniest face of bafflement. He had been prepared to lash rudeness or sullenness, to accept, de haut en bas, shamed contrition.

And the funniest thing! two balls of cotton flew out of his ears, one hitting Flecker of Tennessee on the nose, the other Colonel Troup in the eye. "By Gad, sah," drawled Colonel Troup, "but now, I see. I thought he cudn't ah been made of flesh an' blood, sah, why damme he's made of cotton! An' you saved my money, old man, an' that damned rascal's name by that trick?

Dog said, "Tell me another," he knew he was in a good humor, and that he felt better and better himself. "I thought, if Mr. Man didn't come back too soon," he said, "I might get along pretty well with Mr. Dog. "'I know another story, Mr. Dog, I said 'the funniest story there is. It would make you laugh until you fell over the edge of the world, but I can't tell it here.

We thought her nose was cute though. Miss Grazie, our professor of ancient history, said my nose was of the most perfect Greek profile she had ever seen just like that on the features of Clytie, and with just as delicately formed nostrils. We set the funniest trap for her once.

What is left of him is the funniest thing alive. He's better than he looks, though. He and Rex have great times together." "I wish you would take him, then. I told Martha this morning that he mustn't poke his nose into my room, and he won't. He's a perfect fright." "But the dear old woman loves him," he protested with a tender tone in his voice, his eyes fixed on Lucy.

So one day Aunt Ellen came and took Jackie away in a small covered basket. The funniest thing was the way father went on when he came home to tea. "A bloater with a soft roe," he says; "just what Jackie likes! Where's the bird got to? Come to your tea, Jackie!" "He's gone," says mother, "gone to Canada, and a good riddance, too!" "Oh, gone, has he?" says father.

The boys came, and Dan went through his stock accomplishments, much to their delight. "But Polly's a sight the funniest," declared Lu. "Only she has such a horrid temper and it just grows worse. We had a monkey and that got to be so awful bad. Now let's go and see the guinea-pigs." They were up on the top floor. "We had them down cellar," explained one of the boys, "but some of them died.

A queer little man he was, with strange little legs, and the funniest little body, and the tiniest little face! Then, standing bold upright, and looking at me with eyes that glistened like black beads, the miraculous Keg-Man opened his mouth and began to talk!

So I got the poor old thing a warm cup of tea and gave her some thick socks and sent her away relieved, resolved to spread myself on the pudding. Do you remember Kathleen!" And Miss Saskabasquia did and smiled at the remembrance. "What was it like?" "The pudding? Oh! It was the funniest pudding! George no Ethel, was the baby then and very troublesome. Yes, you were my dear and cutting teeth.

When the wren got "real mad" he would often say she was the funniest thing alive. She only wants to have her own way. They don't dance cotillions when they come here at least they didn't last time, and I don't believe they will to-night.