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The fear, pit, and the snare shall come upon thee, because thou fearest not God. Sinner! art thou one of them that hast cast off fear? poor man, what wilt thou do when these three things beset thee? whither wilt thou fly for help? And where wilt thou leave thy glory? If thou fliest from the fear, there is the pit; if thou fliest from the pit, there is the snare.

"Lay not thine hand upon the lad," said the voice, "for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thine only son from me." Then Abraham turned and saw a ram with its twisted horns caught in the bushes, and he offered it to the Lord instead of his son.

And a broad pennon rose out of the sea of blood, and from the clouds came a pale hand, and it wrote on the pennon, 'Harold, the Accursed! Then said the stern shape by my side, 'Harold, fearest thou the dead men's bones? and its voice was as a trumpet that gives strength to the craven, and I answering, 'Niddering, indeed, were Harold, to fear the bones of the dead!"

Pray to him to let thee know the truth, that if needful thou mayst repent. Be patient and not sorrowful until he show thee. Nor fear that he will judge thee harshly because he must judge thee truly. That were to wrong God. Trust in him even when thou fearest wrong in thyself, for he will deliver thee therefrom. 'Ah! how good and kind art thou, Richard.

For I am the Great King's servant, faithful to death and if I loved thee I should be a liar, and a coward, and the basest of all mankind. Forget, I pray thee, that thou hast spoken, and let me depart in peace. For the Great King is at hand, and thou must not suffer that he find thee weeping, lest he think thou fearest to meet Phraortes the Median face to face.

I would be a Christian. I would be baptized." "Fearest thou not thy people?" the monk asked. "I fear not death," answered the boy simply. "Come with me." Trembling, the woman followed them both, and all were lost in the gloom of the church. They were not to be seen, and all was still for a space. Suddenly a clear voice broke the silence.

Oh, methinks a woman's true ambition would rise the bravest when, in the very sight of death itself, the voice of him in whom her glory had dwelt through life should say, 'Thou fearest not to walk to the grave and to heaven by my side!" Sweet and thrilling were the tones in which these words were said, lofty and solemn the upward and tearful look with which they closed.

Thou art no preacher, and so canst not do him service that way; thou art no rich man, and so canst not do him service with outward substance; thou art no wise man, and so canst not do anything that way; but here is thy mercy, thou fearest God. Though thou canst not preach, thou canst fear God.

And the saint enquiring the cause of his so speedy return, he answered that he could not patiently endure the absence of his beloved father. "Nor is it to be wondered," replied the saint, "since in that place there are not children of life, but men of blood and devourers of cattle, of whose sword thou standest in dread, and fearest that thy blood will be poured out.

Stretching towards me his hand, with an air of increasing mildness: "Take it," said he: "Fear not for thy own sake, nor for mine. The cup is gone by, and its transient inebriation is succeeded by the soberness of truth. "Thou angel whom I was wont to worship! fearest thou, my sister, for thy life?