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Of course there are better and truer things to be said. . . . . It would be idle for me to attempt any sketches of these famous sites and edifices, St. Peter's, for example, which have been described by a thousand people, though none of them have ever given me an idea of what sort of place Rome is. . . . .

In the famous Ode on Intimations of Immortality, the poet doubtless does point to a set of philosophic ideas, more or less complete; but the thought from which he sets out, that our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting, and that we are less and less able to perceive the visionary gleam, less and less alive to the glory and the dream of external nature, as infancy recedes further from us, is, with all respect for the declaration of Mr.

Said Big Tom, who was a famous moose hunter, and who had listened to Mustagan with a good deal of interest and some amusement: "Let me have that horn, and I will show you how it ought to be done. You boys watch the woods and be ready to run."

To England, indeed, is due the chief credit of opening up China to the world, though the way in which it was done is not much to England's credit. This was by the famous or infamous opium war. But in another way England was the first to break through the traditional ceremonies of the Chinese court.

As long ago as the middle of last century, when archaeology was more of a pastime than a science, this corner of the country had become famous for the rich discoveries in tumuli made by a few local enthusiasts.

"This arch commemorates the famous victories of Constantine," their guide told the children. "He was the first emperor to become a Christian." "How did he happen to become a Christian?" asked Edith. "Soon after he was declared emperor, he was leading his army to battle one day, when a bright cross suddenly appeared in the sky.

The latter showed himself ungrateful for kindnesses received at Mozart's hands by publicly denouncing an harmonic progression in one of the famous six quartets dedicated to Haydn as a barbarism, but there was no ill-will in the use of the air from "I due Litiganti" as supper music for the delectation of the Don. Mozart liked the melody, and had written variations on it for the pianoforte.

Fitzjames certainly became a disciple and before long an advocate of these principles. I find one or two other indications of disturbing studies. He told me that he had once studied Lardner's famous 'Credibility of the Gospel History, to which Greg may not improbably have sent him. Paley, for whom Fitzjames had always a great respect, put the argument most skilfully in this shape.

It would only be one more injustice and he was resigned to endure his slavery without complaint. In order to forget his trouble, he began to talk about painting. The recollection of his conversation with Tekli enlivened him, for Tekli had been traveling all over Europe and was well acquainted with what the most famous masters were thinking and painting. "I'm getting old, Cotoner.

He seemed to be dozing, or else he was buried in one of those deep meditations which overtake statesmen. When I pointed out the famous minister to Beaumarchais, who happened to come near me at that moment, the father of Figaro explained the mystery of his presence in that house without uttering a word.