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"I will do my best," Maraton promised him, "to restrain myself. You have at least succeeded in exciting my curiosity." "I am, to look at," Mr. Beldeman continued, "an unimportant person. As a matter of fact, I represent a very great country, and I come to you charged with a great mission." Maraton became a little graver. "Go on," he said. "I am anxious perhaps over-anxious," Mr.

IV. A certain quantity of stimulus produces irritation, which is an exertion of the spirit of animation exciting the fibres into contraction. V. A certain quantity of contraction of animal fibres, if it be perceived at all, produces pleasure; a greater or less quantity of contraction, if it be perceived at all, produces pain; these constitute sensation.

As to this newest development in the life of their household, she had once been young herself, and the veriest block of stone would have become human when the two lovers drove up to the door and told their exciting story.

He and Nan, with Flossie and Freddie, watched the cowboys riding away on their ponies, shouting, laughing, waving their hats and firing their revolvers. While the round-up was hard work for the cowboys, still they had exciting times at it and they always were glad when it came.

"It was mostly a grind just a plain, unceasing grind. It was n't very exciting just getting any old job I could and then studying what time was left." "And growing stronger every day feeling your increasing power!" "And my hunger, too, sometimes." He tried to make light of it because he didn't wish her to become so serious over it. He did n't like playing the part of hero.

Suppose he did this with the view of exciting my suspicions on one subject in order to divert my attention from another more important to his design. Lastly, suppose he wishes to have some indirect methods of information, which he had himself occasion to practise, imputed to the sorcerer, in order to divert suspicion from the true channel." "How do you mean?" said I.

How the boys improved their shooting and mastered the details of that fascinating sport of handling the lariat are all familiar to our readers. In "The Pony Rider Boys in Montana" is told the story of the long and exciting ride over the old Custer Trail, famous in the tragic annals of our earlier days of Indian fighting.

The people I know do not have very exciting lives and here in Twickenham they trot along and do the same thing over and over, and one day is very much like the other, so there isn't much inspiration for a thriller, and thrillers are the style in books to-day.

"I don't care what anybody has give out or what anybody thinks," said Beardsley doggedly. "I know what I know, and believe what I have seen with my own two eyes, don't I? While I was standing into Crooked Inlet on my way say! I don't know as I had best tell you what I seen with my own two eyes." "Why not?" demanded Allison, who was sure he was about to hear some exciting news.

The sandy mounds afforded them concealment, and enabled them to watch the proceedings of the savages in the plain below. The scene was the most curious and exciting that can be conceived. The centre of the plain before them was crowded with hundreds of buffaloes, which were dashing about in the most frantic state of alarm.