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It may be dramatic, narrative, reminiscent, introspective, contemplative, florid, sentimental. The following are examples: Dramatic, The Erl King, Schubert. Narrative, The Two Grenadiers, Schumann. Reminiscent, Der Doppelgänger, Schubert. Florid, Indian Bell Song, from Lakme, Delibes. Introspective, In der Frühe, Hugo Wolf. Contemplative, Feldeinsamkeit, Brahms. Songs of sentiment.

He began to think that they must have been all over the world in all this time that the rolling and roaring and hissing and jangling had been about his ears; shut up in the dark, he began to remember all the tales that had been told in Yule round the fire at his grandfather's good house at Dorf, of gnomes and elves and subterranean terrors, and the Erl King riding on the black horse of night, and and and he began to sob and to tremble again, and this time did scream outright.

See the opening paragraph of this treatise. Erl. Ed., XI, 166, XXIX, 352-359. Babylonian Captivity, Erl. Ed., op. var. arg., V, 82. Cf. Augsburg Confession, Art. Sermon vom Sacrament der Busse, Erl. Ed., XX, 190. For definition of "mortal and venial," see Introduction to XCV Theses, above, p. 19. See Vol. II. of this edition.

I know elder women are, and erl kings and mist widows, but poor Neck, that sat on the water and played his harp, wasn't bad, and the dear little kobolds were so kind and funny. Now are they bad elves?" Her voice was full of earnest pleading, and Mr. Ogilvie, not being versed in the spiritual condition of elves could best reply by asking why Armine thought ill of their kind.

The sound of voices came from the red windows behind them. Then the soloist began to sing again. His second ballad was the Erl King: Du liebes Kind, komm' geh' mit mir! Gar schoene Spiele spiel' ich mit dir. "Any news of John Storm?" said Drake. "Not that I know of." "I wonder if you would like him to come out again now?" "I wonder!"

These are almost the words of the public confessional prayer in the Kirchenbuch of the General Council of the Lutheran Church in America: "Also dans alle meine Natur und Wesensträflich und verdammlich ist." Erl. Ed., op. var. arg., IV, 89 aq. "Si enim suum malum sentiret, infernum sentiret, nam infernum in se ipso habet." See this volume, p. 115f. Erl. Ed., op. ex. lat., XIX, 1-154. Erl. Ed.

The names of the boy's sponsors are recorded, as "Ane Hie and Michty Lord, Archibald Erl of Douglas, ane Honorabil and gude Knicht, Schir Patrick Charteris of Kinfauns, and ane Gracious Princess, Marjory Dowaire of his Serene Highness David, umquhile Duke of Rothsay."

A plenary indulgence similar to those granted for pilgrimage to Rome in Jubilee-years. See above, p.18. See Theses 53-55. See Thesis 75. See Thesis 35. See Thesis 27. Weimar Ed., I, 63 ff.; Erl. Ed., I, 101 ff. Weimar Ed., I, 94 ff,; Erl. Ed., I, 171 ff., 177 ff. See Thesis 1. See Thesis 4. See Letter to Archbishop, below. The text of this Instruction in Kapp, Sammlung, etc. , pp. 117-206.

And here, if my Lord March made a joke, of which his lordship was not sparing, Jack roared, "Oh, ho, ho! Oh, good Gad! Oh, my dear earl! Oh, my dear lord, you'll be the death of me!" "It seemed as if he wished everybody to know," writes Harry sagaciously to Mrs. Mountain, "that his friend and companion was an Erl!" There was, indeed, a great variety of characters who passed.

Alveld answered Lonicer and Luther bitterly, but Luther replied no more. Theodore E. Smauk. Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Disputat., etc. Erl. Fr. Ed. Luther's Thirteen Theses against Eck's Thirteen Theses. Frater Mar. Luth. Dsupt. etc., Erl.-Fr. Ed. III, 4 sqq., 11 sqq. "Bruder Martin Luther's Disputation und Entschuldigung wider die Anschuldigungen des D. Johann Eck." St. Louis Ed.