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Incidentally Luther handles the "Alveld Ass" and the Roman cause without gloves, but in substance he explains to the layman what Christianity really is, i. e., unfolds to them the essence of the Christian Church. In doing so he takes advanced ground for civil and religious liberty. The traditional mediæval idea of universal monarchy is dealt a heavy blow.

Luther replied that Leipzig deserved to be placed in the pillory , that he had no desire to make sport of the city and its university, but was pressed into it by the bombast of the Romanist, who boasted that he was a "public teacher of the Holy Scripture at Leipzig"; and by the fact that Alveld had dedicated his work to the city and its Council.

Alveld answered Lonicer and Luther bitterly, but Luther replied no more. Theodore E. Smauk. Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Disputat., etc. Erl. Fr. Ed. Luther's Thirteen Theses against Eck's Thirteen Theses. Frater Mar. Luth. Dsupt. etc., Erl.-Fr. Ed. III, 4 sqq., 11 sqq. "Bruder Martin Luther's Disputation und Entschuldigung wider die Anschuldigungen des D. Johann Eck." St. Louis Ed.

One was by a Franciscan friar, Augustin von Alveld; the other by Silvester Prierias, already mentioned, who was his most active opponent in this matter. 'From Rome' he says 'flow all evil examples of spiritual and temporal iniquity into the world, as from a sea of wickedness. Whoever mourns to see it, is called by the Romans a 'good Christian, or in their language, a fool.