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"I say, Murray, is there not a somewhat disagreeable odour coming out from forward?" observed Adair, sniffing about. "Tobaccoish, I find it." "Rather," answered Murray, laughing. "I have perceived it for some days. It is enough to cure the most determined smoker of his love for the precious weed. It is from the tobacco we have on board. After being thoroughly wetted it has now taken to heating.

The finished epicure shuddered at the recollection, poignantly, quite as if a saw were being filed in the next room. The disagreeable emotion was allayed, however, by the sight of his next course oeufs aux saucissons. Tender, poetic memories stirred within him. The little truffled French sausages aroused his better nature.

"They could have the equal of the whole British Army killed three times over and scarcely know it had happened. They're all in it. It's a whole country in arms." Teddy nodded thoughtfully. "There's our fleet," said Letty. "Well, that won't save Paris, will it?" Mr. Direck didn't, he declared, want to make disagreeable talk, but this was a thing people in England had to face.

"Well, I only know," she said cheerily, "that I have enjoyed my day very much, and I'm much obliged to you for your companionship. The fresh air, and the change of surroundings, will have done me good." His reply was characteristic of him. "It is the least disagreeable day I have spent for many months," he said quietly.

"I don't think he expected me to accept it, and I am sure that it would have been very disagreeable to Mark to have me in the party." "Have you any objections to telling me how you have succeeded in your efforts to make a living?" asked the old gentleman, with a keen but kindly glance. "I have been disappointed, sir," was the candid reply. "I am not surprised to hear it.

So Bernardine dusted books and sometimes sold them. All the time she thought of the Disagreeable Man. She missed him in her life. She had never loved before, and she loved him. The forlorn figure rose before her, and her eyes filled with tears. Sometimes the tears fell on the books, and spotted them. Still, on the whole she was bright; but she found things difficult.

That's what it is to live in a country that people come to. When they're disagreeable here it's bad enough; when they're agreeable it's still worse. As soon as you like them they're off again! I've been deceived too often; I've ceased to form attachments, to permit myself to feel attractions. You mean to stay to settle? That would be really comfortable.

Can't nightgowns and wrappers be trimmed and made becoming just as much as dresses? A sick woman who isn't neat is a disagreeable object. Do, to please me, send for something pretty, and let me see you looking nice again. I can't bear to have my Helen turn into a slattern." "Helen!" exclaimed Katy, with wide-open eyes, "was it you?" "Yes," said her cousin, smiling.

When the coach stopped at the inn, the bustle of people gathering their luggage together, the idea that she did not know the road to her father's house, the certainty that she had acted in a very foolish manner, and fear of the reception from her father, excited many disagreeable thoughts. She was seated in a corner of the coach, at a loss how to proceed, when the coachman came to the door.

I envied also his ability to make himself disagreeable and care nothing about it; his power to walk in his own path, and his resolve to succeed, no matter what the cost might be. As I left him, it occurred to me that I might be more successful perhaps with a publisher of whom I had heard, who published and sold books of a sceptical turn.