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"So will you be soon," I retorted. "Not soon," said Dolly. "Some day," I insisted. After a pause of about half a minute, Dolly said, "I suppose so." "You will become," I pursued, idly drawing patterns with my finger on the sundial, "wrinkled, rough, fat and, perhaps, good." "You're very disagreeable today," said Dolly. She rose and stood by me. "What do the mottoes mean?" she asked.

This depressing landscape would have made a disagreeable impression on a less unobserving traveller, but, as we have said, Julien looked only inward, and the phenomena of the exterior world influenced him only unconsciously.

Then Rinkitink, to amuse them, offered to sing a song, and although Bilbil protested in his gruff way, claiming that his master's voice was cracked and disagreeable, the little King was encouraged by the others to sing his song, which he did. "A red-headed man named Ned was dead; Sing fiddle-cum-faddle-cum-fi-do! In battle he had lost his head; Sing fiddle-cum-faddle-cum-fi-do!

The Indian gives the trader his furs, and the trader gives him his goods. In order to make the exchange fair and equitable, however, everything is rated by a certain standard of value, which is called a made-beaver in one part of the country, a castore in another. The first man that stepped forward to the counter was a chief. A big, coarse-looking, disagreeable man, but a first-rate hunter.

He who behaves towards all creatures as towards himself, who is restrained, pure, free from vanity and divested of egoism is regarded as emancipated from everything. He also is emancipated who looks with an equal eye upon life and death, pleasure and pain, gain and loss, agreeable and disagreeable.

"I think mills are merely beastly," remarked H.O. when we had woke him up. "You can't wash yourself or brush your hair or anything." "You aren't always so jolly particular about your hair," said Dicky. "Don't be so disagreeable," said Dora. And Dicky rejoined, "Disagreeable yourself!" There is certainly something about sleeping in your clothes that makes you feel not so kind and polite as usual.

We waited a while in silence, perhaps for five or six minutes, among the most disagreeable, I think, that I ever passed. Then far down in the brightness below appeared a black speck that seemed to grow in size as it rushed upwards. "It comes," said Yva. "Prepare and do as I do. Do not spring, or run, lest you should go too far. Step gently on to the rock and to its centre, and there lie down.

Two courteous and elegant finanzieri, mere boys, were sitting wrapped in their military cloaks and reading novels in the sun as we drove up. Though they made some pretence of examining the luggage, they excused themselves with sweet smiles and apologetic eyes it was a disagreeable duty!

"I hope," said Mr Farmer, "that I shall never stand in the doctor's shoes." "I hope you never will nor in Captain Reud's either." The gallant commander turned from yellow to black at this innuendo, which was, for many reasons, particularly disagreeable.

But the Fates had undertaken to act as mediators and make me the hero of a romance which ended so speedily, and in a manner which, though disagreeable, was so far from tragical, that if I desired to weave the story of my own life into a novel I should be ashamed to use the extensive apparatus employed by Destiny.