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And with what did he so unpleasantly associate the name of the French actress? The link clicked suddenly. La Gaine d'Or, in its veiling French, was about to be produced in London, and it was Mlle. Mauret who had created the heroine's role in Paris. He drank his tea, standing in silence by Karen's side, and avoiding all encounter with Herr Lippheim's genial eyes.

I cannot believe the story which is told of this Ambassador having had 10,000 louis d'or given him. I had the misfortune to displease the Margrave John Frederic of Anspach. He brought me a letter from my brother and his wife, both of whom begged I would assist him with my advice.

M. Delecluze, senior, and his son go to Meaux and obtain of a farmer a bag of good flour weighing three hundred and twenty five pounds for about ten louis d'or and fetch it home, taking the greatest pains to keep it concealed. Both father and son "after having covered the precious sack with hay and straw in the bottom of the cart, follow it on foot at some distance as the peasant drives along."

Some of them were real miners, and others were nondescripts, bearing out The Lily's statement that good men were scarce, but all were hired as they came, and the Croix d'Or began to thrill with activity. A fat cook and no miner can explain why a camp cook is always fat beamed from the mess-house door.

Should Joseph hear that any person has been too severely treated by Fortune, or suspects that he has not much cash remaining, some rouleaux of napoleons d'or are placed on the table of his dressing-room, which he may use or leave untouched, as he judges proper. The hours of Joseph Bonaparte are neither so late as yours in England, nor so early as they were formerly in France.

Said, in the darkness, another enchanter: "But far from their choiring the high King sat, in a gold-faced vest and a gold-laced hat, counting heaped monies, and dreaming of more francs and sequins and Louis d'or. Through the slumberous pare, under arching trees, to her labors went singing the maid Dénise "

She had thought it probable that she might be sent for during the evening, and had, therefore, made for herself an immensity of household work, the performance of all which on that very evening the interests of the Lion d'Or would imperatively demand. The work was all done, but no message from Aunt Josey summoned Marie into the little parlour.

I didn't come here to butt my nose in, but I know her better than you do. Say!" He pivoted on his hips, and tapped an emphatic forefinger on the warped planks beneath in punctuation. "There never was a set of owners shell-gamed like them that had the Croix d'Or! There never was a good property so badly handled. Two superintendents are retired and livin' on the money they stole from her.

Partridge Island, which is close at hand, commands exceptionally fine views, as Blomidon does also; the famous Capes d'Or and Chignecto, seven hundred and thirty to eight hundred feet high, with Advocate Harbor, are within pleasant driving distance.

The diligence put them down at La Boule d'Or, a clean and well-kept inn, overlooking the river and from the windows of which could be seen the white façade of the Hôtel de Ville and the numberless towers rising here and there above the old town. After a night of refreshing sleep to Mr.