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Billy, watching, turned grey beneath his tan. He saw something which none other did, a thing that darkened the heavens all suddenly. "Then," said Kenset quietly, "we'll have to do without your promise and go ahead anyway. We'll ride back to town, demand of Service a proper investigation by a coroner's jury, and begin at the bottom." Tharon moved uneasily in her saddle.

A 'harikari' sentence saves the nation much trouble and expense. A coroner's verdict of 'suicide by request, is much more simple, and just as good as a lengthy criminal prosecution, besides affording the transgressor a choice of weapons.

"All Blazing Star knows I found it." "Then ye'll have no difficulty in provin' it," said Hornsby, coolly. "Just now, however, WE'VE found it, and we propose to keep it for the inquest." Cass shrugged his shoulders. Further altercation would have only heightened his ludicrous situation in the girl's eyes. He turned away, leaving his treasure in the coroner's hands.

The Coroner's court was once more packed; once more there was the same atmosphere of mystery. But the proceedings were of a very different nature to those which had attended the inquest on Braden. The foreman under whose orders Collishaw had been working gave particulars of the dead man's work on the morning of his death.

I waited fifteen minutes longer, ate what I could, and, taking a box-lunch under my arm, hurried back to the coroner's office. As I entered it, I saw a bowed figure sitting at the table, and my heart fell as I recognized our junior. His whole attitude expressed a despair absolute, past redemption. "I've brought your lunch, Mr. Royce," I said, with what lightness I could muster.

'I'm very sorry, he apologised, 'but the fact is, although we had the skeleton here it has er been mislaid. "That coroner's officer," went on Jerrold gravely, "is now looking over the excavations to see if it's possible to find a few odds and ends to hold the inquest on. But I see Mr. Green's getting impatient. Don't let me keep you."

The question that now monopolized it was, what conclusion was likely to be arrived at by the coroner's inquest that would, of course, be held upon the body. He had no longer any scruple on his own part with respect to accepting or returning their affection.

"You surely did not expect me to cast my pearls of forensic learning before a coroner's jury," said he. "I expected that you would have something to say on behalf of your client," I replied. "As it was, his accusers had it all their own way." "And why not?" he asked. "Of what concern to us is the verdict of the coroner's jury?"

He was but inspecting the stream several streams, in fact, to see where he could best toss in his baited hook. And it was in this same spirit that he attended the coroner's inquest, which was held in the town hall. Over the deliberations, which were, at best, rather informal, Coroner Billy Teller presided.

In spite of the doctor's evidence and the coroner's own persuasion, the jury found that "George Bowring died of the Caroline Morgan" which the clerk corrected to cholera morbus "brought on by wetting his feet and eating too many fish of his own catching." And so you may see it entered now in the records of the court of the coroners of the king for Merioneth.