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He was thinking of Clare and what he must do when he met her father. It was important that they should catch Kenwardine's boat, since he must not be allowed to land and finish his business before they arrived. In the meanwhile, he listened to the measured clank of the engine, which quickened when the top blade of the screw swung out.

It was noisy down here the clank of the steering mechanism; the swish and surge of the water against the hull; the voices of the men. We passed the boots of the seated helmsmen, and found another hiding place nearer Polter. We could see his giant length plainly. None of the other men were near him. He was reclining on an elbow, stretched at ease on a cushion.

Anything that I perhaps have a faint shadow of a right to know?" For a long time they rode in silence, her question unanswered. A narrow cart road less of a road than a lane led east. He turned his horse into it. For a moment no sound broke the silence save the monotonous clank of his sabre and the creak of girth and saddle. "Ailsa!" "Yes, Phil."

It says: 'I wish you could have been along last night when I hit the trail for the Lower Ranch. You know what that old road looks like in the moonlight, all deep black in the gorges, and white on the cliffs, and not a dog-gone sound but the hoof-beats of your horse and the clank of the bridle-chains.

"One for the way it all begun, Two for the way it all has run...." he sang to the soft push and thud and clank of his going. He swept a circle in front of the little house that was the factory office, as if he had prepared the setting for a great event; and Ebenezer, following in the long, bright path, stepped into the hall of the house.

There was an unremitting clank of hammers, grinding of machinery, and blasting of rock, going on from morning till night. In fitting the Britannia tubes together, not less than 2,000,000 of bolts were riveted, weighing some 900 tons.

So I hasted on, while my breath laboured and the sweat ran from me; and with every clank of Sir Richard's fetters my heart leapt with dread lest any hear, though indeed these gloomy passageways seemed quite deserted.

They had been taught to consider English soldiers the most undisciplined rabble in the world! This was a factor unknown and unheeded by Brock. All that he knew was that an obstacle barred the way. "Steady, the 49th!" The loud, clear notes of the leader rang above rasping of scabbards and suggestive clank of steel. The men straightened.

His heart overflows with kindness for all humanity nowadays, and it never was hard really. He finds the world a glorious place with very few faults; but he says it is I who have taught him this lesson, and that I should be able to make a skeleton-ghost, condemned to clank chains in an underground prison through eternity, see his fate in a rose-coloured light. I love him to say foolish things.

These followed him into his prison, and mingled their cries with the clank of his irons, for they were voices which had never yet deserted the man that made them, but clamoured loud at the last when his end had come, above the death-rattle in his throat.