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He had really grown up in the Cross Timbers of the Palo Pinto, where, in those years, any who survived were past masters not only of the weird ways and long hours and outlaw broncos, but also of the cunning strategy of the Kiowas and Comanches who in that time were raiding ranches and settlements every "light of the moon."

They seemed, somehow, more of his own kind than the rough, jostling, pugnacious beings passing themselves off as men and brothers within there. He poked about from one to the other of the sturdy, plush-coated little beasts, till he came to a great white plow-horse harnessed to a sulky, and looking like a giant in contrast with the scrubby broncos.

I had a fellow feeling for that Mazeppa party who was tied in his birthday suit to the back of a wild horse. Locoed broncos were more amenable to rein than Worth Gilbert.

"I suppose you think these motorboats can jump like broncos?" declared Jud Elderkin, with a look of disgust; "else how would they ever get around that big dam down at Seely's Mills? We could crawl a few miles up the Bushkill, but to go down would mean only a short cruise."

Just a moment while I get my coat." Swollen with greatness, slightly afraid lest the noble blood of Nottingham change its mind and leave him at any street corner, Babbitt paraded with Sir Gerald Doak to the movie palace and in silent bliss sat beside him, trying not to be too enthusiastic, lest the knight despise his adoration of six-shooters and broncos.

Is it very hard work?" "Yeah, it sure is," said Cal plaintively, between bites. "What with taming wild broncos and trying to keep the cattle from stampeding, our shining hours are sure improved a lot. It's a hard, hard life." He sighed deeply and emptied his cup of coffee. "I I thought I'd like it," ventured Pink wistfully. "It's dead safe to prognosticate yuh won't a little bit.

"And," suggested Charleton with a grin, "if you encourage those broncos of yours, they each might have three or four slicks every spring, and if you keep up practice with the blacksnake on the old milch cow " "Dry up, Charleton!" exclaimed Peter. "What do you think of the idea, Frank?" "It ain't bad," answered the sheriff slowly, "though I ain't afraid of the Mormons coming in."

The same might be said of more than one white cowboy. But there's not as much of that as there used to be." "And the horses? I want to know about them," said Madeline, when Florence paused. "Oh, the cow-ponies! Well, they sure are interesting. Broncos, the boys call them. Wild! they're wilder than the steers they have to chase. Bill's got broncos heah that never have been broken and never will be.

In a land without carriages or roads, the appearance of the cavalier, his mount, his trappings, most do make the man shine before these fair slips of Mexican blue blood. Down on the beach, the boys race their half-broken broncos. These lads are as lithe and lean as the ponies they bestride. Flashing brooks wander to the sea unvexed by mill, unbridged in Nature's unviolated freedom.

You'd have every girl wear tails to her gowns, and duck and dodge behind fans and faint every time she jabbed her thumb with a pin!" "I can't see that a woman's place is riding bucking broncos and rampsing around. . . ." "A woman's place!" she scoffed. "Her place where a blunder-headed man puts her! How do you know what her place is?