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There is an inspiration in the picture which the word "Sower" brings to the mind. I can never forget those days when the boys and girls just entering their teens took their spades and hoes, left the schoolroom with its algebra and technical grammar behind and went out into the glorious spring sunshine to plant their school gardens.

"In some way it's got over town that Jack and his gang were the only high school boys on the job yesterday and that they voluntarily cleaned the snow out of Wycliffe street. The Common Council is talking of doing something handsome to show their appreciation." Rosemary beamed, but Sarah who never could keep still blurted out the truth. "Rosemary told Mr.

At that hour, when the lugger was expected, there was a lookout at the door of every farmhouse and, the moment the light was seen, preparations were made for the landing at the spot of which notice had been given, by one or other of the boys, on the previous day.

They are responding to the actual, instant needs of their boys in the trenches and the camps; and this is bound to have an effect upon their psychology.

They had been seen the first two in the last desperate conflict. He gave particulars that pointed with heart-breaking certainty to the death of the two boys. Young Perley had been lost sight of since noon of the battle. He had followed the path taken by Jack and his comrades across the flank of the enemy. He had been seen at Heintzelman's headquarters, but after that no one could trace him.

On Saturday nights the store closed at twelve o'clock, and it was not uncommon for the young men to be employed in putting away the goods until between two and three on Sunday morning. "There used to be," the old gentleman records, "a supper of hot beafsteaks and onions, and porter, which we boys used to relish immensely, and eat and drink a good deal more of both than was good for us."

The lives of those boys were in his hands; at times to be hoarded, at times to be spent, in sudden awful junctures to be furiously squandered. He did not say this, but the thought was in both of them and drew them closer, though neither moved.

"It's lucky the boys don't do this every day I'd be a wreck in a week!" "Well, at least you'd be wrecked in a good cause," said Betty, half wistfully, half whimsically. "Goodness, you'll make me cry again after I've just powdered my nose," cried Grace in alarm, and the foolishness of it made them all laugh. "You're a goose, Gracie," Mollie commented. "But I love you, just the same.

Now we are fairly within the big hole! Boys, we may be on the verge of a great discovery!" An instant later it seemed as if a hot wave had struck the Mermaid, or as if the craft had been plunged into boiling water. "It's going to be hot!" cried the professor. "Lucky I provided the water jackets!" Then the lights in the interior of the ship went out, leaving the whole craft in darkness.

When they reached the creek the boys laid down their tools, and Hugh studied the lie of the land with an intent expression. "We'll begin about here," he decided presently. "Last year we dug higher up, but I shouldn't wonder if gold silts downwards and collects in a hollow. This is about the hollowest place I have found yet. The soil in these old alluvial beds is often auriferous," he went on; "Mr.