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"What's that?" asked Frere, suddenly interested. "The bolter I was telling you about Gabbett, your old friend. He's returned." "How long has he been out?" "Nigh six weeks, sir," said the constable, touching his cap. "Gad, he's had a narrow squeak for it, I'll be bound. I should like to see him." "He's down at the sheds," said the ready Troke "a 'good conduct' burglar.

And among horsemen there is only one thing to do with a blind bolter shoot it. A horse of this description seems to be imbued with but one idea a furious desire to go, to run anywhere, to run into anything lying in its course, to run on until its strength is spent, or its career is suddenly terminated by a forcible full stop. At the bend of the trail the mare took blindly to the bush.

I say, Mr Johnson, I wish old Bolter was here." "You do not believe me!" cried Ali passionately. "What am I, that you treat me so? Is it that I always lie?" "Lie? No, old boy," said Bob kindly; "but it isn't you talking. Your head's all in a muddle." "Head? muddle? Not I!" cried Ali excitedly. "There! Hark! I told you so!"

Besides the meek old soul herself, there were present on that occasion our old friends Ben Bolter and Tom Riggles, the latter of whom flourished a wooden stump instead of a right leg, and wore the garb of a Greenwich pensioner. His change of circumstances did not appear to have decreased his love for tobacco.

Awoke, to feel it being pulled again; it was slipping, slipping, and then with a sudden, violent jerk it was thrown on the floor. Il faut dire that during all this I had glanced several times at Bolter, who seemed profoundly asleep. But now alarmed I tried to wake him. In vain, he slept like the dead; his face, always a pasty white, now like marble in the moonlight.

"Then we'll stop where we are," said the major, sharply, "for I won't leave a man behind." "Of course you will not. I knew you would say so. Then all I can recommend is that we stay as we are for a few days, and try and recruit." "With bad water, and hardly any provisions," said the major. "Ah, Bolter, this is a terribly bad business."

Such as these were drifting in early that they might be on the ground when pickers were wanted. They were the forerunners of the regular army. On his walk to West Ways, the farm Bolter lived on, Mount Dunstan passed two or three of these strays.

"But Tristram's a tender mouth, and a bit of a bolter got to ride him on the snaffle, not the curb." Lady Highford looked down at her plate, while she gave an answer quite at variance with her own methods. "Snaffle or curb, no one would ever try to guide Lord Tancred! And what is the charming lady like? You all know her, of course?" "Why, no," said His Grace. "The uncle, Mr.

"We took five pounds at the refreshment stall alone. It would make a scandal in the parish if I divulged how many plates of strawberries the vicar ate. Mrs Bolter bought up all the macaroons. `Home-made, my dear? X-ellent! I must really beg the recipe. Mrs Booth asked the price of everything, and sniffed, and walked away. What a woman!

At last he caught sight of Harry, and directly afterwards, from some thick bushes, out sprang Bolter, and, as had been expected, made off towards the west, just midway between the two lads. "After him!" cried Paul, and turning their horses' heads they gave them the rein. The animals seemed to know the object of the chase, and were eager as their riders to overtake the truant.