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They were almost brutal in their severity. As they passed out of the door, one at a time to avoid crowding, they were still talking about it. Jinks was saying that our whole generation is overfed and soft. Blinks went further. He said they should be trained hard up to fifty. He is fifty-one.

"You're a liar," the words were snapped out with a force and directness that William afterwards declared put him "on the blinks" for a few seconds. The only retort that he would have made to one of his own sex rose swiftly to the boyish lips, and stayed there. He rose who shall say what freak of imagination swayed him then and took a step toward the lady.

I've seen 'em; I've laid 'n' watched 'em 'most a thousand times. He blinks agin, 'n' finds hisse'f a-lookin' squar in ter a pair of twinklin' eyes that seems ter've been awake all night, jest a-watchin', with sly longin', from 'tween two leaves. Maybe he'd seen those eyes afore, but not jest like this.

His shin bone smacked against the edge of the stone in a way that was pretty well up to the old Viking standard of such things. Blinks with the shock of the collision fell also, backwards on the top step, his head striking first. He lay, to all appearance, as dead as the most insignificant casualty in Servia.

Reported Miss Anna Dickenson, the female champion, of whom report says that she loveth the forementioned negro advocate even more as "a man" than as "a brother," and who blinks her eyes and rolls out her sentences at such a rate that the one dazzle while the other appal the poor stenographer who may have to "follow" her: reported Mesdames Susan B Anthony please notice the "B" and Cady Stanton, besides a host of other strenuous assertors of "woman's rights" and male wrongs in respect of petticoat government, "free love," and various similar amiable, progressional theories that mark the advancement of our Transatlantic sisterhood!

Harms, whom I met in San Francisco. "Say! I've worked fur some nutty owners, but this yap's the limit. "'Well, Alci, here comes Alcy now, I says, as the boy comes up with the dog, 'n' my new boss stretches his number three neck out of his number nine collar 'n' blinks at the hoss. "Alcibides comes back to the stall with me 'n' from then on he sticks to me tighter 'n a woodtick.

The next night the charade was ass-ass-in, and Blinks went on for the first two syllables. He was perfectly at home "Richard himself again!" and the wicked young lady, in complimenting his performance, declared it was "perfectly natural."

The waves were so enormous that when I saw one more than usually large coming towards me, I turned instinctively to hide myself, as one blinks when struck upon the eyes. After a few hours the mind grows bewildered with the endless change and struggle of the sea, and an utter despondency replaces the first moment of exhilaration.

"We certainly should," said the young lady, winking to her companions, who could hardly suppress their laughter. "And I move we repeat this charade to-morrow night," said Blinks "and mind, I'm the ass." "Of course." "I'll get a costume and disguise myself." "Disguise yourself!" echoed his tormentor "for Heaven's sake, don't do that they'd never guess it."

Jinks even asks Blinks how many men there are in an army division, and what a sotnia of Cossacks is and what the Army Service Corps means. And Jinks in return has become a recognized expert in torpedoes and has taken to wearing a blue serge suit and referring to Lord Beresford as Charley.