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Why, he himself must be the first to despise her! It showed how bad things were, that she dared not tell what had happened, not even to Inga! With the first sound of the cow-bells in the distance came Beret, to find her sister sitting on the bench in front of the soeter-house, looking half dead. Beret stood in front of her till she was forced to raise her head and look at her.

The procession, headed by M. Roussillon, moved noisily, for the French tongue must shake off what comes to it on the thrill of every exciting moment. The only silent Frenchman is the dead one. Father Beret was not only well-nigh drowned, but seriously hurt. He lay for a week on a bed in M. Roussillon's house before he could sit up.

But then Pere Beret saw no reason why, in due time and with patient work, aided by Madame Roussillon and notwithstanding Gaspard's treachery, he might not safely lead Alice, whom he loved as a dear child, into the arms of the Holy Church, to serve which faithfully, at all hazards and in all places, was his highest aim.

"Rest easy, Father Beret," said Alice; "that is one novel I have found wholly distasteful to me. I tried to read it, but could not do it, I flung it aside in utter disgust. You and mother Roussillon are welcome to hide it deep as a well, for all I care. I don't enjoy reading about low, vile people and hopeless unfortunates; I like sweet and lovely heroines and strong, high-souled, brave heroes."

In the distance he saw Father Beret hurrying to the spot where some of the men burnt and wounded by the explosion were being stripped and cared for. Hamilton still stood like a statue. He appeared to be the only cool person in the fort. "Where is Alice? Miss Roussillon where did Miss Roussillon go?" Beverley exclaimed, staring around like a lost man. "Where is she?"

"That I cannot divulge, my son, owing to a promise I had to make to the aged Indian who gave me the secret. It is the elixir of the Miamis. Only their consecrated medicine men hold the recipe. The stimulation is but temporary." Just then someone knocked on the door. Father Beret opened it to one of Hamilton's aides.

He worked like a giant beaver all night long. Meantime Father Beret went about over the town quietly notifying the inhabitants to remain in their houses until after the fort should surrender, which he was sure would happen the next day. "You will be perfectly safe, my children," he said to them. "No harm can come to you if you follow my directions."

He was at this moment greedily watching every bite she took, and she began to share with him. As soon as she had finished, they went slowly towards the soeter and Beret was soon in bed. The two sat on the bench outside the door. Small rain was beginning to fall, but the broad eaves kept them from feeling it. The mist closed round the soeter, and shut them in in a sort of magic circle.

I have cross-questioned all the men who took part in it, and every one of them says simply priest or devil. I think old Beret is both; but plainly he couldn't hurt a chicken, you can see that at a glance." Farnsworth smiled, rubbing his side reminiscently; but he shook his head. "I'm sure it's puzzling, indeed." Hamilton sat in thoughtful silence for a while, then abruptly changed the subject.

The few I have in the fort will sneak off, I suppose." "The French gave you this post on easy terms, Captain," blandly retorted Father Beret. "Yes, and they'll hand it over to Hamilton, you think, on the same basis," cried Helm, "but I'll show you! I'll show you, Mr. Priest!" "Pardon me, Captain, the French are loyal to you and to the flag yonder. They have sworn it. Time will prove it.