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If the song sparrows of eastern Kansas belie their name and seldom fall into the lyrical mood, as has been said, the like cannot be said of the robins, which, in the proper season, were very lavish of their minstrelsy. Their favorite singing time in the West, as in the East, was at the "peep of dawn." How often their ringing carols broke into my early morning dreams!

His mariner was earnest, but there was an odd expression about the mouth, a hard twinkle of the eyes, which seemed to belie it. Susie was vastly entertained. It diverted her enormously to hear occult matters discussed with apparent gravity in this prosaic tavern. Dr Porhoët broke the silence.

"She knows that you are here; she has seen you." "Has seen me?" Edward drew in his breath sharply. "Well? and she sends you out to me?" Rhoda did not answer. She was strongly tempted to belie Dahlia's frame of mind. "She does send you to speak to me," Edward insisted. "She knows that I have come." "And you will not take one message in?" "I will take no message from you."

"Certainly her manners and conversation do not belie her looks; she is charming, she is perfect," he more than once said to himself. Few men can so conceal their feelings, especially if they are not aware what those feelings are, when in conversation with a lady, without her having an idea, undefined and uncertain though it may be, of the matter.

Thus fortune served Montaigne to perfection, and even in his administration of affairs, in difficult conjunctures, he never had to belie his maxim, nor to step very far out of the way of life he had planned: "For my part I commend a gliding, solitary, and silent life."

At last Edgar accosted him, enquiring courteously what in him had attracted such a share of his attention. "I see that I was not mistaken," he answered, whilst a gloomy fire flashed from beneath his black, bushy eyebrows. "You are not a Spaniard and yet, if your coat does not belie you, I am bound to look upon you as one who fights on our side. And that strikes me as rather remarkable."

'It can, cried Markheim; 'it does! Be helped by you? No, never; not by you! You do not know me yet; thank God, you do not know me! 'I know you, replied the visitant, with a sort of kind severity or rather firmness. 'I know you to the soul. 'Know me! cried Markheim. 'Who can do so? My life is but a travesty and slander on myself. I have lived to belie my nature.

They studied the growing list of judgments collected against the road throughout the Delta country, but they could find no trace of John Eddring behind these claims. No system of detectives, no hired espionage could belie the truth.

The Brescians are up too by this time. Gallant Brescians! they never belie the proverb in their honour; and to die among them would be sweet if I had all my manhood about me. You would have me making a scene with Violetta." "Set the woman face to face with me!" cried Merthyr, sighting a gleam of hope. Carlo smiled. "Can she bear my burden though she be ten times guilty? Let her sleep.

But the ancient friar was a wise man, and full of observation on human nature, and he had attentively marked the lady's countenance when she heard herself accused, and noted a thousand blushing shames to start into her face, and then he saw an angel-like whiteness bear away those blushes, and in her eye he saw a fire that did belie the error that the prince did speak against her maiden truth, and he said to the sorrowing father, "Call me a fool; trust not my reading, nor my observation; trust not my age, my reverence, nor my calling, if this sweet lady lie not guiltless here under some biting error."