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They knew the weak streak in his character, and had decided to give him a chance, by the process of time, to obtain that balance which might befit him for the responsibility of a big commercial enterprise. When Murray learned the position of affairs he offered no comment. Without demur he concurred in every proposition set before him by Father José.

'Then, she said, 'we must see in these birds and blossoms, and that great blossom in the sky, so many prophets of a peaceful time and a better country, sent to remind us that we pass away and go to them. 'Nay, my dear mistress Dorothy! returned the all but obsequious doctor; 'such thoughts do not well befit your age, or rather, I would say, your youth. Life is before you, and life is good.

But in all that may befit a Warrior, Amenhotep The King doth give him honor, and to the Spirits of Darkness and of Light his Soul is here commended to its Rest." Thus much of the fierce dead hero of old time, but of the mouldering corpse that lies on the golden floor of the same tomb, its skeleton hand touching, almost grasping, the sword of Araxes, what shall be said?

'Madam! he said, 'it may well befit your gentleness and sweetness of heart to grieve over the sufferings even of the froward and ungodly, when they be cut off from the congregation of the Lord, as His holy and just law enjoineth, for verily I also could weep for the condemned one, as a woman and a mother; and, since her coming, I have wrestled with the Lord, in prayer and fasting, that I might be His instrument in snatching her as a brand from the burning.

"Be not too lavish of your thanks," spake Hagen. "'Twould well befit a knight to try again. A valiant man were he, if he then came back alive. Little shall the wound profit you, which I have at his bands; for that ye have seen the rings wot with blood from my wound doth urge me to the death of many a man. Now first am I enraged at Hawart's liegeman. Small scathe hath Knight Iring done me yet."

Then I asked: "Where did you learn this? About Armenia, I mean, and Poland?" "From my father. He was University Professor and Deputy in Parliament. One also picks up a little something at school. Don't you agree with me?" "Not altogether. You seem to forget that a nation cannot indulge in those freaks of humanitarianism which may possibly befit an individual.

It would ill befit that glorious day to see the log cabin taken; but, on the other hand, what loyal citizen could allow himself to be defeated, even as a skulking redman, at the very hour of Tiverton's triumph?

"In ten days or so. When I tell you. Till then, don't worry, my dear boy. When I make plans you know that you have only to act." "To the detriment of our unsuspecting guest, eh?" I remarked in a low bitter voice. "That is not polite, George," he said sharply. "You are our paid servant, and such a remark does not befit you." "Whether it does or not, Mr. Rayne, I repeat it," I said defiantly.

Should a Senator be held to have lived as did not befit a Senator, a Censor could depose him. As Appius was elected Censor immediately after his acquittal, together with that Piso whom Cicero had so hated, it may be understood that his influence was very great. It was great enough to produce from Cicero letters which were flattering and false.

"It does not befit us, dear Muralto, to loathe one whom God has created after his own image. We have every one of us been saddled with a portion of filth and it does not seem enviable to me to work that off alone, as you. I can go to confession and belong to a large friendly circle, where they one and all are bitten by the same fleas and must chop with the same hatchet.