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"Is the bank-note a real one, sir?" he asked. "Of course it is. Make haste!" The man, who had by this time taken off both his boots and his jacket, now sprang into the water like a frog, and began to swim after the umbrella, the old boatman shouting after him: "You're a fool, Jankó; come back, don't exert yourself for nothing."

Him I would have preferred to most of his competitors, and actually coquetted with him for some time: but the amour was interrupted by his going to Ireland; upon which occasion, understanding that he was but indifferently provided with money, I made him a present of a gold snuff-box, in which was enclosed a bank-note; a trifling mark of my esteem, which he afterwards justified by the most grateful, friendly, and genteel behaviour; and as we corresponded by letters, I frankly told him, that Mr.

He knew the golden key that would be apt to unlock this French maid's interest to do his bidding. As he spoke, he took from his pocket-book a crisp bank-note, which he told the girl she was to spend for bon-bons or ribbons for herself. He had always made it a point to fee the French maid well, that he might have a powerful ally in the home of his intended victim.

As I said before, I'm no schollard." "But Leonard is, and he will read it to you." When Leonard returned home that evening, Mrs. Fairfield showed him the letter. It ran thus: DEAR JANE, Mr. Dale will tell you that we wish Leonard to come to us. We are glad to hear you are well. We forward, by Mr. Dale, a bank-note for L50, which comes from Richard, your brother.

It is folly to pretend that one may serve as a tool for villains, and still remain an honest man!" It was this voice which had given Chupin the courage to light his cigar with the bank-note. And this voice still tortured him, as seated on the bench he now tried to review the situation. Where, indeed, was he?

The newly-married couple took tickets for Richmond, paying their fare with a half sovereign, and so depriving me of the pleasure of arresting them, which I should certainly have done if they had offered a bank-note. They parted from Mr. Jay, saying: "Remember the address 14 Babylon Terrace. You dine with us to-morrow week." Mr.

Forester was mistaken in his idea that Dr. Campbell had forgotten him; but we shall not yet explain further upon this subject; we only throw out this hint, that our readers may not totally change their good opinion of the doctor. We must now beg their attention to the continuation of the history of Archibald Mackenzie's bank-note.

"Hallo!" he called out; "what's the matter, Tom?" "Such a row!" answered Tom. "And I wish I could have pitched into Pierce senior as I'd have liked. What do you think, Arthur? The school were taking up the notion that you you! had stolen old Galloway's bank-note. Pierce senior set it afloat; that is, he and Mark Galloway together. Mark said a word, and Pierce said two, and so it went on.

Mechanically she took it up and opened it; it was a bank-note for one hundred pounds. Ah, reader! You will say that this is a romance of fiction, and a far-fetched one, but it is verily and indeed true. Mr. Carlyle had taken it with him to East Lynne, that morning, with its destined purpose. Lady Isabel strained her eyes, and gazed at the note gazed and gazed again. Where could it have come from?

'Yes much in myself some little in Lord Palmerston, that is, in his luck; and a good deal in a bank-note. But I have none at all in Fidus Neverbend. What! have faith in a man merely because he tells me to have it! His method of obtaining it is far too easy. 'I trust neither his wit nor his judgement; but I don't believe him to be a thief. 'Thief! I said nothing of thieves.