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He smiled and tried to rise, but was glad to lay back again and look curiously at his bandaged shoulder. "It's only a busted collarbone," said Ned. "Doctor says it will be all right in two or three weeks. We're going to take you back in a minute. The carriage is coming now." "That's nice," said Jerry drowsily. "How's Welch?" "Not hurt a bit. He walked home.

Then she stirred in oatmeal until it was a stiff paste. She spread a sheet over her bed and began tearing strips of old muslin. She bandaged each hand and arm with the mixture and plastered the soggy, evil-smelling stuff in a thick poultice over her face and neck. She was so tired she went to sleep, and when she awoke she was half skinned.

This cut was washed with fluid from a small bottle on the table, smartly stitched, and then, after the wound in front had been treated, the shoulder was firmly bandaged, and Ryder seemed satisfied. He was none too soon, for at that moment Mary Kyley darted in. 'Half a dozen troopers are coming along the hill, she said. 'Bluff them! said Ryder quickly.

He wore a dark-brown velvet jacket with a high, black, linen-lined collar turned up about his neck. The thick black hair, escaping as it could below and between the cross bandages, projected in curious tails and horns, giving him the strangest appearance conceivable. This muffled and bandaged head was so unlike what she had anticipated, that for a moment she was rigid.

The figures advanced: they stuck their torches in a niche that was by; and then they placed each of them a hand on the shoulder of Mick. "No, no; none of that," said Mick, trying to disembarrass himself. But, notwithstanding this fresh appeal, one of the silent masks pinioned his arms; and in a moment the eyes of the helpless friend of Devilsdust were bandaged.

"I think that there are many great and beautiful things in the world, and Country is only one of them; but I am not discussing the love, but the way of loving." "There is only one," said Daniel. "And what is that?" "We must obey." "The ancient symbol, Love with bandaged eyes; I only want to open them." "No, no, let us alone. It is hard enough already. Don't make it any worse for us."

At that moment there was a cry from beyond the troopers, and it was answered from among them by a kinsman of Pango Dooni, and presently, the troopers parting, down the line came Tang-a-Dahit, with bandaged head and arm. In greeting, Pango Dooni raised the pistol which Cumner's Son had given him and fired it into the air. Straightway five hundred men did the same.

Mild cases require a light diet, comfortable quarters and a dry bed. Allowing the animal to inhale steam three or four times daily is useful in relieving the inflammation. Easily digested feeds, and in case the animal has difficulty in swallowing, soft feeds and gruels, should be given. The throat may be kept covered with a layer of antiphlogistin and bandaged.

With the painful foot securely bandaged the little girl gave herself up to thought, emerging from her study at last to ask what was an all-important question. "Daddy " "Yes?" "Do you reckon, by the time the war is over, we could call Susan Jemima a vet'ran?" "I should say we could," the father agreed heartily, without the symptom of a smile. "Hasn't she grown bald in the service?

So, having bandaged up the wound with the best appliances I had at hand, I drove my friend as rapidly as he could bear it to my town house, where he was at once placed under the care of the best medical skill in the city. And for some time I had every hope that he would recover, and earnestly did I pray that it might be so, if it were the Lord's will. But it was not so to be.