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"You wouldn't drown yourself to-night for an ould rusty nail, eh, Capt'n?" cried somebody with a laugh. "You go bail," said Pete, and he leapt up to Kate's side, twiddled the reins, cracked the whip, and they drove away. Philip had stood at the door of the porch, struggling to command his soul, and employing all his powers to look cheerful and even gay.

It was like trying to bail out the ocean. The Hirsch Fund people saw it and took another tack. Instead of arguing with unwilling employees to take the step they dreaded, they tried to persuade manufacturers to move out of the city, depending upon the workers to follow their work. They did bring out one, and built homes for his hands.

After a second's stare the man passed on down to the shabby-genteel parlor, and soon whist, novels, and papers were dropped, as the immaculate little community learned of the contaminating presence beneath the same roof with themselves. "A man just out of prison! A man merely released on bail, and who would certainly be convicted and tried!"

At the police court, next morning, under bail, appeared Carter Watson to answer the complaint of the People Versus Carter Watson, for the latter's assault and battery on one Patsy Horan. But first, the Prosecuting Attorney, who was paid to prosecute all offenders against the People, drew him aside and talked with him privately. "Why not let it drop!" said the Prosecuting Attorney.

"And you have been arrested, at the suit of the administrator, for the balance due on the bond?" "I have, sir; and am liberated on general bail, only within an hour or two." "Well, sir, all these proceedings can be, and must be set aside.

I don't think it was two minutes before I got downstairs, and there the policeman stood in the hall. I told him I was Mrs. Rodman, and then he said a young man called Henry Mutimer had got locked up for making a disturbance outside a music hall, and he'd sent to my husband to bail him out. Well, just as we were talking in comes Willis.

Each District Court appoints a convenient number of District Court Commissioners, who issue warrants of arrest on criminal proceedings, take bail, inquire whether there is probable cause to hold the accused to answer to the charge in court, and discharge in such respects substantially the functions generally belonging to justices of the peace in the States.

We soon had reason to suppose the principal injury had been received from a blow near the stern-post, and, after cutting away part of the ceiling, the carpenters endeavoured to stop the rushing in of the water, by forcing oakum between the timbers; but this had not the desired effect, and the leak, in spite of all our efforts at the pumps, increased so much, that parties of the officers and passengers were stationed to bail out the water in buckets at different parts of the hold.

"Why not?" "Because she ain't here. She's in the Tombs by this time, unless somebody went her bail up at court. They had her in the patrol-wagon as I come on duty." "The Tombs? That is the city prison, is it not?" Felix asked, hardly conscious of his own question, absorbed only in one thought Lady Barbara's degradation.

"They are kisses which are not at your disposal," answered the lady, but she looked at Fellowes. "Gad! I believe you may have the kiss without the trouble of earning it, Fellowes," laughed Branksome. "I can go bail for the goods." Mistress Dearmer pouted, but the laugh was against her until Fellowes came to the rescue. "You shall have a sonnet," he said. "You may pay if you think it worthy."