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"Dear lady," said the wily badger, "you must be very weary doing such heavy work in your old age. Won't you let me do that for you? My arms are very strong, and I could relieve you for a little while!"

She peered down at me from under her sunbonnet. “Are n’t you afraid of snakes?” “A little,” I admitted, “but I’d like to stay anyhow.” “Well, if you see one, don’t have anything to do with him. The big yellow and brown ones won’t hurt you; they’re bull-snakes and help to keep the gophers down. Don’t be scared if you see anything look out of that hole in the bank over there. That’s a badger hole.

Two of the most troublesome men, named respectively Bounce and Badger, were cured by the captain in the following manner: They had been quarrelling verbally for half an hour one morning, calling each other names, and threatening, as usual, to fight, but not doing so. "Come, lads, follow me," said the captain to them sternly, and much to their surprise.

Badger says that when she sprang up and called me, I talked very rationally about it, and asked what it could possibly be. Thought that I had ceased talking in my sleep. Miriam was quite eloquent in her dreams before the attack, crying aloud, "See! See! What do I behold?" as though she were witnessing a rehearsal of the scene to follow. Later. Dr.

Badger, his mate, was a big ambling cob, able to carry a ton, but the greatest slug of a horse, I ever came across; he seems absolutely to require flogging as a tonic; he must be flogged out of camp, and flogged into it again, mile after mile, day after day, from water and to it. He was now, as usual, at the tail of the straggling mob, except Gibson's former riding-horse called Trew.

Bob turned and glanced the way Tamale was looking; saw nothing, and settled down again on the small of his back. "He sees a badger or something," he Said. "Go on, Bud, with the chorus." "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Lift up your gates and sing." "Lift up your hands damn quick!" mimicked a voice just behind.

Stories about weirs, and sudden floods, and leaping pike, and steamers that flung hard bottles at least bottles were certainly flung, and FROM steamers, so presumably BY them; and about herons, and how particular they were whom they spoke to; and about adventures down drains, and night-fishings with Otter, or excursions far a-field with Badger.

"I enjoy hard work, and the harder you make mine, the better I like it." "Then make it easy for her!" growled the man upon the floor. "I wants it done, and over. I wants a end of these liberties took with my place. I wants an end of being drawed like a badger. Now you're a-going to poll-pry and question according to custom I know what you're a-going to be up to. Well!

Now, seeing that I was actually here, this was clearly a mistake, and I ventured to point out the fallacy. "Well, I can't allow you to stay here. Our business is of a private nature." "I know exactly what your business is, Inspector Badger." "Oh, do you?" said he, surveying me with a foxy smile. "And I expect I know what yours is, too.

"Precisely so," replied Alexis; "and hence he is termed a plantigrade animal, to distinguish him from those other kinds, as horses, oxen, swine, dogs, cats, and so forth, that all, in reality, step upon their toes." "There are some other plantigrade animals besides bears?" said Ivan, interrogatively; "our badger and glutton, for instance?" "Yes," answered the naturalist.