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That was the jewel which dazzled me. I derive more of my subsistence from the swamps which surround my native town than from the cultivated gardens in the village. Botany cannot go farther than tell me the names of the shrubs which grow there the high blueberry, panicled andromeda, lambkill, azalea, and rhodora all standing in the quaking sphagnum.

"Letty!" he said, "where is Mrs. Paige?" Celia had caught the girl's hands in hers, and was searching her thin white face with anxious eyes; and Letty shook her head and looked wonderingly at Berkley. "Nothing has happened to her," she said. "A Sister of Mercy was wounded in the field hospital near Azalea, and they sent for Mrs. Paige to fill her place temporarily.

"Surveying your domain, ma'am," Phil replied; "it's most beautiful by moonlight, especially when viewed in company with a fair lady." He bowed gallantly to Azalea, who was looking her best, a slight blush of excitement on her cheeks at the compliment. "It is lovely," she said; "the house, from the west lawn, is a wonderful picture! Patty, Mr.

And as I'm Cousin William's only relative, I have a right to visit him as long as I please." "I don't deny that, Azalea," and Elise couldn't help laughing at the defiant air of the speaker. "I'm not disputing your right to be here. But I do deny your right to say anything whatever against Patty, who is trying her best to do all she can for your pleasure and for your good."

Benton passed them by the stables, but they knew only that Colonel Arran, lying on a litter, had been placed in an ambulance which had started for Azalea Court House. This was confirmed by Dr. Connor, who came hurrying by and who halted to scowl heartily at Ailsa. "No more of that!" he said roughly. "When I want a nurse on the firing line I'll detail her.

But I can't bring the baby again." "Oh, pshaw, yes you can, just once more, anyway. But never mind that now. We must see about your own part. You know there's danger, Miss Thorpe?" "Miss Frawley braved the danger," Azalea said, quietly. "Yes, and Miss Frawley broke her ankle." "I know; and I may break mine, but I'll take the chance. I am not afraid, though I well know that accidents may happen.

"I know it is, and I expect to be told." "People don't always get all they expect." "Don't trifle with me, Azalea; I'm not in a trifling mood. Who was that man?" "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Now, now, Cousin William, you know yourself, it's very rude to insist on prying into other folks' secrets!" "Why is it a secret?

How do you know how to use the machine so well? Were you ever a stenographer?" "No; I don't know shorthand at all. And I didn't " "Stop, I say, Azalea! I know you wrote that! Now, tell me why! I can't imagine any reason for it." The girl was stubbornly silent "Unless you tell me why you did it, I shall be compelled to think there is some wrong reason " "Oh, no, there isn't!"

And Buddha said that a man must look on everything as illusion even light and colour the time-worn bronze of metal against blue-green of pine and pale emerald of bamboo the lemon sash of the girl in the cinnamon dress, with coral pins in her hair, leaning against a block of weather-bleached stone and, last, the spray of blood-red azalea that stands on the pale gold mats of the tea-house beneath the honey-coloured thatch.

"I want to hear what sort of man had the courage to marry a musical genius who could wipe only one teaspoon at a time." "Azalea was a lovely girl," said Hepatica warmly. "It couldn't take much courage to marry her." "All right we'll hear about it when our guest comes back. And I'll be over to bring you home, if you'll telephone about an hour before you'll be ready to start."