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That worthy said apologetically, "May I see your credit card, major? The Exclusive Room is limited to Upper " Nadine said coldly, "The major is my guest. I am Dr. Nadine Haer." Her voice held the patina of those to the manor born, and not to be gainsaid. The other bowed hurriedly, murmured something placatingly, and was gone.

She was three thousand miles away, and with this distance between them Maggie dared do anything; so when the flag was again mentioned, she answered apologetically, as if it were something of which they ought to be ashamed: "We never had any, but we can soon make one, I know.

Miss Clyde took a careful survey of a shelf where sheets were piled, and from it she filled her mending basket. "Delia has overlooked these in my absence," she said, almost apologetically. "Linen should always be mended carefully before it is put away."

At nights Tommy now sometimes lay among the cabbages of the school-house watching the shadow of Black Cathro on his sitting-room blind. Cathro never knew he was there. The reason Tommy lay among the cabbages was that there was a price upon his head. "But if Black Cathro wanted to get the blood-money," Corp said apologetically, "he could nab you any day. He kens you fine." Tommy smiled meaningly.

I remonstrated against this in writing, and the Secretary apologetically restored me to my rightful position of General-in-Chief of the Army. But he soon lapsed again and took control much as before.

He seemed a little uncomfortable at the sensation he had created. "His father was my first client," he said apologetically. "One of the best fellows that ever lived. He married late in life, that was why he was such a crank over the question of marriage. You might say that old Meredith founded our firm. Your father and Simpson and I were nearly at our last gasp when Meredith gave us his business.

"Whiskey!" shrilled the Colonel and then he smiled benignly and laid a fatherly hand upon his shoulder. "Never mind, my young friend, what you have done or not done; because I'm sure it was nothing dishonorable and now if you will produce your bottle we'll drink to our better acquaintance." "I threw it away," answered Wiley apologetically, "but it can't be very far down the trail.

Abraham discovered her there, too engrossed in the perusal of one of the old letters to have heeded his creaking steps upon the stairs. "Didn't see yer, till I 'most stumbled on yer," he began apologetically. "I come fer the apple-picker.

It looks to him like a kind of ridiculous assumption that any one d'un coeur lêger can do what has cost him his heart's blood. Robert understood something of the meaning of his tone, and replied almost apologetically; he was always singularly modest about himself on the intellectual side. 'Well, Grey is responsible.

As Shafto approached the rendezvous, he saw the pongye seated on the steps, engrossed in a book with a red cover, which he hastily thrust into some inner pocket as he rose to his feet. "Ye might not think it, but I'm a great reader," he explained apologetically. "It passes the time and is no sin; the saints themselves were wonderful writers and readers.