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Appleyard opened the note there and then. It was a mere hurried scrawl, saying that Allerdyke was just setting off for Hull, in obedience to a call from the police; as Gaffney had nothing to do, would Appleyard make use of him during Allerdyke's absence?

He told Allerdyke the whole story of his endeavour to find out something about Rayner merely because Rayner seemed to be in Miss Slade's confidence, and because Miss Slade was certainly a woman of mystery.

Now, Schmall, according to Merrifield, was the leading spirit. He had the man Lydenberg in his employ. He sent him off to Christiania to waylay James Allerdyke: he supplied him with a photograph of James Allerdyke, which Ebers procured." "I know that!" muttered Allerdyke. "Clever, too!" "Exactly," agreed the chief. "Now at the same time Schmall learned of Miss Lennard's return.

Allerdyke, now well, that's the same name as that of a man I came across from Christiania with, and left at Hull." Fullaway kicked Allerdyke under the table. "You haven't heard of that Mr. Allerdyke since you left him at Hull, then?" he asked, gazing intently at their hostess. "Heard? How should I hear?" asked the prima donna. "He was just a travelling acquaintance.

"Nothing more than you would have expected to find! Nothing?" Allerdyke bent across the table, giving his visitor a keen look. "What would you have expected to find if you'd found him as I found him?" he asked. "Come what, now?" He was watching the American narrowly, and he saw that Fullaway's excitement was passing off, was being changed into an attentive eagerness.

Chettle was hanging about the door of the warehouse when Allerdyke drove up. His usually sly look was accentuated that morning, and as soon as Allerdyke stepped from his cab he drew him aside with a meaning gesture. "A word or two before we go in, Mr. Allerdyke," he said as they walked a few steps along the street. "Look here, sir," he went on in a whisper.

He strenuously declares that neither he nor Van Koon had anything whatever to do with the murder of Lisette Beaurepaire, Lydenberg, or Ebers. He further says that he does not know if Lydenberg poisoned James Allerdyke. He declares that he does not know if it was ever intended to poison James Allerdyke, though he confesses that it was intended to rob him at Hull.

Allerdyke on the face of what you've told me, these three people two of 'em, at any rate, for a certainty knew about these valuables coming over in Mr. James's charge. So far as you know, your cousin had 'em when he left Christiania and reached Hull. There they disappear.

"Aye, for sure," replied Allerdyke. "Come into this corner we'll have a glass of sherry it's early for lunch yet. Those reports, eh? About Fullaway and Delkin, you mean?" "Just so," said Appleyard, settling himself in the corner of a lounge and lighting the cigarette which Allerdyke offered him. "They're ordinary business reports, you know, got through the usual channels.

She pointed a slender, quivering finger to a box which stood, lid thrown open, on a table in the sitting-room, by which the detectives were standing, open-mouthed, and obviously puzzled. Allerdyke, following the pointing finger, noted that the box was a very ordinary-looking affair a tiny square chest of polished wood, fitted with a brass swing handle.