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He recognized that this curtailment of formalities was genuinely characteristic of the new justice, at once salutary and terrifying, the administrators of which were no longer ermined pedants leisurely weighing the pros and contras in their Gothic balances, but good sansculottes judging by inspiration and seeing the whole truth in a flash.

No doubt even to-day there are many eminent Hindus who would still rely upon the older methods, and who have sufficiently assimilated the education they have received at the hands of Englishmen to share wholeheartedly the faith and pride of the latter in British ideals of liberty and self-government, and to be honestly convinced that those ideals might be more fully realized in the government of their own country if British administrators would only repose greater confidence in the natives of India and give them a larger share in the conduct of public affairs.

He proposed a law in the Assembly in the spirit of Jack Cade, that no debts should be paid in Rome for six years, and that every tenant should occupy his house for two years free of rent. The administrators of the government treated him as a madman, and deposed him from office. He left the city pretending that he was going to Caesar.

When he died suddenly, and almost alone, he left a will, probably drawn up soon after he learned of his son's wedding, leaving his property to Philip, providing the young man returned, with his wife, to live upon the estate within six months; otherwise the entire estate should be divided among certain named charities. Three administrators were named, of whom Neale here was one."

So those who follow my method will preach profitable sermons, and will deserve to be accounted faithful dispensers of the divine mysteries; prudent administrators of the word of life and of eternal life." When our Blessed Father heard a certain preacher praised up to the skies, he asked in what virtues he excelled; whether in humility, mortification, gentleness, courage, devotion or what?

What power of actual interference with the local administrators it may be necessary to retain, for the due enforcement of the laws, is a question of detail into which it would be useless to enter. The laws themselves will naturally define the penalties, and fix the mode of their enforcement.

"Because, in my limited experience," said Fleda, as she passed her fingers through the boy's dark locks of hair "in every household where 'moral suasion' has been the law, the children have been the administrators of it. Where is your husband?" "I have lost him years ago" said Marion, with a quick expressive glance towards the child.

The Toulon administrators continue furnishing the Italian army with supplies. July 19, an English boat, sent to parley, had to lower the white flag and hoist the tri-color flag. "We present to the Convention our individual recantation and declaration; in conforming to the law we are entitled to its protection. Bordeaux had submitted on the 2nd of August.

Administrators of high rank should discuss the laws, women should talk about their husbands, and every man should speak about his own affairs. "Never speak an ill-natured word to any visitor; a word dropped some day when thou art gossiping may overturn thy house. "If thou art well-versed in books, and hast gone into them, set them in thy heart; whatsoever thou then utterest will be good.

Both had been branded with the same charge of malignity. Both had suffered together, and the new Parliament was resolved that both should triumph together." The feeling thus eloquently expressed goes far to explain the harshness which Bunyan experienced at the hands of the administrators of justice at the crisis of his life at which we have now arrived.