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Darius, however, after having watched them for some time, came up with quiet deliberation to Croesus, and said: "You continue to distress and offend one another, and yet the accused does not seem to know with what offence he is charged, nor will the accuser hearken to his defence.

He tried the effect of the most endearing entreaties, and assurances of personal esteem. Losing no, becoming less amiable, he flew round to the other extreme, and accused it of ingratitude, indefensible even in an ass. Then he sought to bribe it with offers of free forgiveness.

'My voices, Joan said, 'told me as I stood on the platform before the people that I should answer the preacher with boldness. 'Did he not, said Cauchon, 'speak the truth? 'No, she answered, 'he was a false preacher; and he accused me of having done things which I never did. 'But, then said Cauchon, 'do you mean to tell us that you still persist in saying that you have been sent by God?

This production was in every body's hand, and had such an effect upon the people, that when the prisoners were brought to trial at Manchester, the populace would have put the witnesses to death had they not been prevented by the interposition of those who were friends of the accused persons, and had already taken effectual measures for their safety.

Such was the opinion of Louis XIV., who remembered the beauty of the Marquis de Ganges; for, some time afterwards, when he was believed to have forgotten this unhappy affair, and when he was asked to pardon the Marquis de la Douze, who was accused of having poisoned his wife, the king answered, "There is no need for a pardon, since he belongs to the Parliament of Toulouse, and the Marquis de Ganges did very well without one."

But the worst of my situation is, that my very best friends hold they have liberty to ruin themselves, as well as the cause they are engaged in, upon the slightest caprice. Both the young men protested their resolution to submit every difference to his arbitration. 'Indeed, said Edward, 'I hardly know of what I am accused.

Suppose we say that I strongly suspect." He paused a moment, his eyes on the ceiling. "You know you've accused me of romancing sometimes, Lester the other evening, for instance; yet that romance has come true." "I take it all back," I said, meekly. "There's another thing these talks do," continued Godfrey, going off rather at a tangent, "and that is to clarify my ideas.

But so it is; and Dumont himself, fearful that he has not exercised his mission with sufficient severity, has ordered every kind of indulgence to cease, the prisons to be more strictly guarded, and, if possible, more crowded; and he is now gone to Paris, trembling lest he should be accused of justice or moderation! The pretended plots for assassinating Robespierre are, as usual, attributed to Mr.

We must consider also that the judgments of our ancestors were disturbed, not only by wonder, but by fear. Encouraged by the ready belief of the magistrates and the public, "the afflicted" went on enlarging the circle of their accusations, which presently seemed to derive fresh corroboration from the confessions of some of the accused.

He was accused of having shown incapacity while General and of having embezzled public funds while President. He was nicknamed "the Step-Father of his country."