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Not unfrequently they would pretend not to see us, and if the sergeant appeared, begged us to stop till he were past, when they told us we might talk again "But as low as you possibly can, gentlemen, if you please!" Nay, it happened that they would quietly accost us themselves; answer our questions, and give us some information respecting Italy.

What a complete system of court- skill is here described in every branch of it, and all utterly lost with wrong application! Accost the hole of another kennel, first stopping your nose, you will behold a surly, gloomy, nasty, slovenly mortal, raking in his own dung and dabbling in his urine.

The tones expressed surprise, satisfaction; the nobleman looked down; gave a slight start; then his face became once more cold, apathetic. "Who are you? What do you want?" he said roughly. The countenance of the fellow who had ventured to accost the nobleman fell; a vindictive light shone from his eyes. "It's like a drama at old Drury," he observed, with a slight sneer.

He was completely absorbed in thought, and when some one stopped full in front of him with jocose accost, he gave a start of alarm. "I should be afraid of lamp-posts," said Quarrier, "if I had that somnambulistic habit. Why haven't you looked in lately? Men of infinite leisure must wait upon the busy."

I saw him nudge a friend, hastily roll a cigarette, and, doffing his hat, accost my uncle. "Might I trouble you for a light, sir!" M. Mouillard emitted a sigh, turned slowly round, and bent two terrible eyes upon the intruder, knocked off the ash with an angry gesture, and held out the ignited end at arm's length. "With pleasure, sir!"

When the European population begins to approach the limit of the desert inhabited by a savage tribe, the government of the United States usually despatches envoys to them, who assemble the Indians in a large plain, and having first eaten and drunk with them, accost them in the following manner: "What have you to do in the land of your fathers?

She drew back from me a little as I came; but her eyes did not waver from mine, and these lured me forward. At last, when I was already within reach of her, I stopped. Words were denied me; if I advanced I could but clasp her to my heart in silence; and all that was sane in me, all that was still unconquered, revolted against the thought of such an accost.

As I drew near, he came sidling out of the doorway to accost me, with so curious an expression on his face that I instinctively prepared myself to apologise for some unwitting trespass.

On the whole, this is a Scottish landscape, although not so noble as the best in Scotland; and by an odd coincidence, the population is, in its way, as Scottish as the country. They have abrupt, uncouth, Fifeshire manners, and accost you, as if you were trespassing, an 'Ou'st-ce que vous allez? only translatable into the Lowland 'Whaur ye gaun? They keep the Scottish Sabbath.

"You are rude, sir," she said. "Is it the custom of Southern gentlemen to accost ladies in this manner?" She gave her shoulders a haughty shrug and turned her back upon him. Prescott flushed, but held his ground, and he would have spoken to her again had she given him the chance. But she began to move away and he was afraid to follow deliberately lest he make a scene.