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In his distress he turned to the chivalrous Bishop of Lincoln. Now, Hugh had no business at all to meddle with Archbishop Geoffrey Plantagenet's diocese, but it was a case of "Who said oppression?" He banned the obtruding priest by name and all his accomplices. Some died, some went mad or blind.

One of the thieves, from whom only seven nails were recovered, was detected; but though the punishment of two dozen lashes was inflicted upon him, he would not impeach any of his accomplices.

"Peter de Craon and his accomplices; traitorously and without warning." "Constable," said the king, "never was anything so punished or dearly paid for as this shall be; take thought for yourself, and have no further care; it is my affair." Orders were immediately given to seek out Peter de Craon, and hurry on his trial.

Well then, these black and yellow planters received their quota, it may be presumed, of the £20,000,000 sterling indemnity. They were part and parcel of the proprietary body in the Colonies, and had to meet the crisis like the rest. They were very wealthy, some of these Ethiopic accomplices of the oppressors of their own race.

Captain Edney himself came to investigate the matter, accompanied by the secessionist. "That's the boy," said Buckley, with determined vindictiveness, when Frank was arraigned before him. Frank could not help looking a little pale, for he felt that he was in a bad scrape, and how he was to get out of it, without either lying or betraying his accomplices, he could not see.

In proof of this I refer to that passage in the letter of Jerome to Riparius respecting Vigilantius, whose zealous and persevering opposition to the worship of saints, images, and relics, &c., had greatly provoked the irascible monk of Bethlehem. Oh, infamous! he has found even among the bishops accomplices of his wickedness."

The concessions of August had always been odious, and were now canceled. "As for you and your accomplices," she continued to the Count, "you will do well to go to your homes at once without meddling with public affairs, for, in case of disobedience, I shall deal with you as I shall deem expedient." Brederode not easily abashed, disregarded the advice, and continued in Antwerp.

"I do not hope so, I think so." "Could that window have been closed and refastened after the flight of the assassin?" asked Rouletabille. "That is what occurred to me for a moment; but it would imply an accomplice or accomplices, and I don't see " After a short silence he added: "Ah if Mademoiselle Stangerson were only well enough to-day to be questioned!"

If Chatfield has accomplices down here in the Warren, he can hide himself and whoever's with him for a long time successfully. We'll have to get a lot of men to work." "But I say!" exclaimed Gilling. "You don't mean to tell me that three people one a woman could get away through these courts and alleys, packed as they are, without being seen? Come now!" The detectives smiled indulgently.

He had taken refuge in an old, disreputable uninhabited house, known to his accomplices, which stood right over the Thames, in Jacob's Island, not far from Dockhead; but the pursuit was hot, and the only chance of safety lay in getting to the river.