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Nothing more important than the present condition of our currency and coinage can claim your attention. Since February, 1878, the Government has, under the compulsory provisions of law, purchased silver bullion and coined the same at the rate of more than $2,000,000 every month. By this process up to the present date 215,759,431 silver dollars have been coined.

The last part of this statute provides that certain poor people may be employed by a place or by persons, who are willing to give them food and drink and to find them work. This kind of parish-slaves was kept up in England until far into the 19th century under the name of ``roundsmen. Vol. i, pp. 758, 759.

The same feeling of citizenship has been given recognition to in 759 towns, whose municipalities are now partly elected, the right of election having been greatly extended by the Local Self-Government Acts of 1882-84. In these Municipalities even more than in the higher Councils the new educated Indian comes to the front.

The amount expended in 1861 was $13,606,759.11. For the last year the amount has been reduced to $11,125,364.13, showing a decrease of about $2,481,000 in the expenditures as compared with the preceding year, and about $3,750,000 as compared with the fiscal year 1860. The deficiency in the Department for the previous year was $4,551,966.98. For the last fiscal year it was reduced to $2,112,814.57.

1871 1881 1891 1901 TO TO TO TO TOTAL 1880 1890 1900 1910 Austria-Hungary 72,969 353,717 597,047 2,145,266 3,176,801 Belgium 7,221 20,177 20,062 41,635 105,690 Denmark 31,771 88,132 52,670 65,285 260,472 France 72,206 50,464 36,006 73,379 475,731 Germany 718,182 1,452,970 543,922 341,498 5,389,548 Greece 15,996 167,519 183,515 Italy 55,759 307,309 655,694 2,045,877 3,090,129 Netherlands 16,541 53,701 31,816 48,262 180,952

Grotius viewed them in the same light, agreeably to the sentiments which had been instilled into him in his infancy, as we find in a letter written, April 1, 1617 , to his brother then in France; but when he came to riper years, he did them justice, highly valuing their society, and receiving many of them into his confidence, particularly the learned Dionysius Petavius. Ep. 15. p. 759.

I suppose they thought I'd hand on my letter if I saw fit. Read through that," said Kettle, and handed across his news. This is how it ran: BIRD, BIRD & CO., Ship and Insurance Brokers, Agents to the Bird Transport Company. Managers of the Bird Steam Company. 759, Euston Street, LIVERPOOL, 21st March, 1896. Swan, 375 tons. Captain R. Evans. Sparrow, 461 tons. Captain James Evans. s.s.

The Saracens, notwithstanding this severe blow, continued to hold their ground in the south of France; but Pepin, the son of Charles Martel, who succeeded to his father's power, and assumed the title of king, successively took from them the strong places they held; and in 759, by the capture of Narbonne, their capital, extinguished the remains of their power in France.

Brit., 'Psychology, 11th ed., p. 577. Ed. 1898, p. 90. Discours sur la Méthode, 1637, IVe Partie. Aliotta, op. cit., p. 408. Ed. 1893, vol. ii, p. 759. First Principles, 6th ed., 1900, vol. i, p. 67. Article, 'Moses, in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1913. Ed. Mangey, vol. i, pp. 44, 49. Ibid., pp. 80-179. Ibid., pp. 308, 427. Ibid., pp. 213, 121, 562, 691. Conf. x, 13, 2.

For instance, what we know as colour is the vibration frequency of etheric waves striking on the retina of the eye, between certain definite limits 759 trillions of blows from the maximum, 436 trillions from the minimum these waves give rise in us to the sensation which the brain translates into colour.