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But now I must go and see about all sorts of things for the reception to-night. We shall have all the world at the Palazzo to- night. And lo zio asked me to see to everything. Addio, Paolina mia. You know where my heart will be all the time. Addio, anima mia." Two Interviews

You may be very sure I shall if I can; but there will be all the world there, of course, and lo zio in the box unless, indeed, he should choose to go behind the scenes. Talking of that," he added, as he was on the point of leaving the room, "I don't know what to make of lo zio of late." "Has he said anything?" "Not a word; but I don't like the look of him.

Why, that will be the day after to- morrow," said Paolina, flushing all over. "Exactly so; the day after to-morrow. But I mean only to tell him, in the first instance, that I cannot make the marriage he would have me. Then, when that is settled and some little time allowed for him to get over his mortification, il povero zio will come the announcement of the marriage I can make.

All the prime donne in Europe might sing at him, or make eyes at him, or make love to him, in any manner they liked from morning till night without making any more impression on him than a hundred years, more or less, on the tomb of the Emperor Theodoric out there. No, anima mia, that's not it. No, il povero zio, I am more inclined to think that he is breaking up.

It seemed to me impossible to believe it," said Bianca, who understood perfectly well how and why it came to pass that the Marchese should latterly be a changed man. "Three months ago he might have well passed for five-and-thirty; but, per Bacco, he looks his years now every day of them and more, too, il povero zio."

"Faith, though, I am dependent on him," returned Ludovico, with the most careless frankness. "I have not a bajocco in the world but what comes to me from him. But lo zio is more generous than uncles often are to their nephews who are to be their heirs. And I am in no hurry to succeed to him, I assure you."

Do you know what the mandarin did, sir, when he came home and found that his wife was gone? He took the three children, tore them through the middle, and threw the pieces out into the street." It reminded one of Lucidarius, and other mediaeval legends. Then our good zio, the honest uncle, began, and told Maria and Filomena the history of Napoleon I., fairly correctly.

That has always been the trouble with the world, since we were hordes of savages grouped in tribes one against the other as, indeed, we still are." "Well, zio mio," said Miss Longfellow breezily, "if you don't look out for number one, no one else will, you may be dead sure. And then where are you? In the soup, sure thing. Nel zuppo!" She gave a gay, chiming, cuckooish laugh.

There is nothing to prevent him. Many an older man than he by a great deal has done so. And if that were to happen, there is not a beggar in all Ravenna who is a poorer man than I should be. Only that lo zio is about the most unlikely man to marry in all Italy, it is a thing that might happen any day." "Why should the Signor Marchese be so unlikely to marry?

Stowe's Capanna di Zio Tom is, of course universally read; and my friend had also read Il Fiore di Maggio, "The May-flower."