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Updated: August 10, 2024

"Lave that to me!" Mike assured him. "Don't forget that it's a duces tecum," admonished the clerk as Mike passed out of the door. "Not on yer life!" replied the newly appointed deputy. Outside, he found a fellow deputy, also newly appointed. "Pat," said Mike, holding out the subpoena, "phat is the meanin' o' thim two wurrds?" His friend carefully examined the paper.

He cut Peg Barney as near as might be on the oi that I'd squshed whin we first met. Peg wint spinnin' acrost the tent. "Peg him out, Sorr, sez I, in a whishper. "Peg him out! sez me orf'cer bhoy, up loud, just as if 'twas battalion p'rade an' he pickin' his wurrds from the Sargint.

The warriors stared at him with what might be called a stoical surprise. "Umrrh! Does the holy father praych to ye wid thim wurrds, ye haythens? Begorra, 'tis a wondher ye wuddent wash yereselves," he added, making a face, "wid muddy wather to be had for the askin'." We moved on, through such a scene as I have seldom beheld.

He cut Peg Barney as near as might be on the oi that I'd squshed whin we first met. Peg wint spinnin' acrost the tent. "Peg him out, Sorr," sez I, in a whishper. "Peg him out!" sez me orf'cer bhoy, up loud, just as if 'twas battalion-p'rade an' he pickin' his wurrds from the Sargint.

''Tis larceny that wicked ould laady manes, says t' Irishman, 'tis felony she is sejuicin' ye into, my frind Learoyd, but I'll purtect your innocince. I'll save ye from the wicked wiles av that wealthy ould woman, an' I'll go wid ye this evenin' and spake to her the wurrds av truth an' honesty.

For it's all over the place that there's trouble about Miss Vancourt, an' you may take my wurrd for it, Passon, they don't leave the poor little leddy alone, nor you neither, an' never takes into their minds as 'ow you're old enough to be 'er father. That Miss Tabitha don't spare no wurrds agin 'er an' as ye know, Passon, she's a leddy wot's like curdled cream all gone wrong in a thunderstorm.

"'Tis larceny that wicked ould laady manes," says t' Irishman, "'tis felony she is sejuicin' ye into, my frind Learoyd, but I'll purtect your innocince. I'll save ye from the wicked wiles av that wealthy ould woman, an' I'll go wid ye this evenin' and spake to her the wurrds av truth an' honesty.

"But Yorkey," he continued "wud not let me lie down. . . . God! how that man did put his fishts an' mucklucks tu me an' pushed an' shtaggered wid me' afther th' dogs, beggin' an' cursin' an' prayin' an' callin' me names that ud fairly make th' dead relations av a man rise up out av their graves. . . . Light-headed he got towards th' ind av th' thrail, poor chap! shoutin' dhrill-ordhers an' Injia naygur talk, an' singin' great songs an' chips av poethry th' half av which I misremimber excipt thim thim wurrds he said this night.

"The docther do sometime bring out one of them outlandish wurrds that nayther the divvil nor Father Murphy, more power to him! could make out at all at all; but, whin ye dhropped down this afthernoon on the dick alongside o' yer chist, an' I picked ye up, he says, sez he, ye was ayther a `comet, or in a `comet house, or somethin' loike that, I'll take me oath wid me dyin' breath, though what the divvil he manes, I'm sure I can't say, sor!"

'Are you sure you've got the hang av the manewvers? sez he, or wurrds to that effec', as the coort-martial sez. 'Sure as death, sez she, 'but I misdoubt 'tis cruel hard on my father. 'Damn your father, sez he, or anyways 'twas fwhat he thought, 'the arrangement is as clear as mud.

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