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The streets were werry full, but Sir Wincent wormed his way among the coal-wagons, wans, busses, coaches, bottom-over-tops, in wulgar French, "cow sur tate," as they calls the new patent busses trucks, cabs, &c., in a marvellous workmanlike manner, which seemed the more masterly, inasmuch as the leaders, having their heads at liberty, poked them about in all directions, all a mode Francey, just as they do in Paris.

"As for you," said the enraged female to the landlord, "you're a degraded bein, too low and wulgar to talk to." "This is the sparklin fount for me, dear sister!" cried the lan'lord, drawin and drinkin a mug of beer. Having uttered which goak, he gave a low rumblin larf, and relapsed into silence. "My colored fren," I said to the negro, kindly, "what is it all about?"

She was very angry, and as she banged me with it, Virginia was pulling at her skirts, crying and begging her to desist. "You little wretch," cried my mother, "you'll be just such a sea-monster as your father was little wulgar animal, you must put your fingers into the frying-pan, must you? There, now you've got it."

That night seemed a favorable occasion for the expedition, as a store of fruit pies, blanc mange and chicken salad, had that day been moulded by Clo's own expert hands, and half a jelly cake set aside in the closet ready for the basket which took so many mysterious journeys in Mrs. Hopkins' direction. "I nebber sends back pieces to de table," said Clo; "it's wulgar."

And as for Durnmie Dunnaker, I wonders how you, brought up such a swell, and blest with the wery best of hedications, can think of putting up with such wulgar 'sociates. I tells you what, Paul, you'll please to break with them, smack and at once, or devil a brad you'll ever get from Peg Lobkins." So saying, the old lady turned round in her chair, and helped herself to a pipe of tobacco.

If ever you gets to up'ards o' fifty, and feels disposed to go a-marryin' anybody no matter who jist you shut yourself up in your own room, if you've got one, and pison yourself off hand. Hangin's wulgar, so don't you have nothin' to say to that. Pison yourself, Samivel, my boy, pison yourself, and you'll be glad on it arterwards. With these affecting words, Mr.

I wouldn't have nothin' to say to any bird below a Peacock; and HE'd be wulgar. Well, how are you? 'Oh! I'm pretty well, said Poll.

Jorrocks, casting his eye up the table, as soon as they had all got squeezed and wedged round it, and the dishes were uncovered, "you see your dinner, eat whatever you like except the windmill hope you'll be able to satisfy nature with what's on would have had more but Mrs. J is so werry fine, she won't stand two joints of the same sort on the table." Mrs. J. Lauk, John, how can you be so wulgar!

He is a man fit to make proselytes among the wulgar and Irish," the Hibernian peasant and the American negro are sworn enemies "but quite unfit for anything respectable or decent. Were it not for Sir George, I would scarcely descend to clean his state-room." "What is your sentiments, Mr. Saunders, respecting Sir George?"

Nell was not a little alarmed to hear this, supposing that the lady might be intimately acquainted with the firm of Short and Codlin; but what followed tended to reassure her. 'And very sorry I was, said the lady of the caravan, 'to see you in company with a Punch; a low, practical, wulgar wretch, that people should scorn to look at.