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Lapham met the Englishman's eye, and with difficulty kept himself from winking. Then he looked away, and tried to find out where he stood, or what he wanted to do. He could hardly tell. He had expected to come into that room and unmask Rogers, and have it over. But he had unmasked Rogers without any effect whatever, and the play had only begun.

Got you that time, Doc!" laughed the hotel man, winking at Cameron. "Oh, let it out, Martin. You'll feel better afterward. Who is it?" "Cameron, so help me! Connolly is an infernal ass. He's batty, I tell you. I'm treating him for it right now." "All right," said Cameron, "never mind. I shall run up and tell my wife you are here. Wait for me," he cried, as he ran up the stairs.

Mumbling, blear-eyed, spectacled, stupid, deaf, lame; vacantly winking in the gleams of sun that now and then crept in through the open doors, from the paved yard; shading their listening ears, or blinking eyes, with their withered hands; poring over their books, leering at nothing, going to sleep, crouching and drooping in corners.

The appeal produced no effect; those to whom it was made conceiving, perhaps, that it did not apply to them. Maltboy added the remark: "If you will withdraw at once, I promise you that in fifteen minutes we will proceed to business." "That's all right," said Quigg, winking again at Matthew. "Let us go, friends."

Tommie was already acquainted with him, having been kicked out of his tannery once when on an innocent mousing expedition. "Say," said the tanner, "will my Uncle Jean leave me his farm?" "No," answered Tommie, winking his left eye. "That he won't! He knows you are always wishing he would die!"

As he carried the trunk lightly as if it were a stick, Anne remarked: "It's too bad to make you take this trip again to-morrow." "Not so-es you-all kin notice it! To-morrer is pay-day fer the miners, en Oak Crick is a lively town, them times," explained Jeb, winking an eye to show what fun he expected to have next day.

Jack would have been glad at that moment had the opening been hermetically sealed; but, hopeful that he was not seen, he held his place, not stirring in the slightest, and striving to the utmost to keep from winking his eyes. The singular tableau lasted much less time than the boy imagined.

"You can git a knife in ye as easy as winking if I'll jest keep my mouth shut," she cried spitefully. "Yes," said I repentantly, putting my hand upon her arm. "But you are my very good friend, and will tell me what I ought to know." The creature's face lighted at my tone and action, and her eyes melted with a new feeling. "That I will," she said; "that I will, as if you were my own boy."

"With all my heart; for you're right, old chap: when we knows what we are to expect, we're always ready to meet it; but some officers I've sailed with shift about like a dog-vane, and there's no knowing how to meet them. I recollect But I say, Jack, suppose you turn in your eyes are winking and blinking like an owl's in the sunshine. You're tired, boy, so go to bed.

I shall be an old maid," said Sally; "and really there isn't much harm in that, if one could have company, if somebody or other wouldn't marry all one's friends, that's lonesome," she said, winking a tear out of her black eyes and laughing.