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Updated: August 28, 2024

We ain't gone traipsin' after strange gods, like some people that call themselves Methodists in other places. We stick by the Discipline an' the ways of our fathers in Israel. No new-fangled notions can go down here. Your wife'd better take them flowers out of her bunnit afore next Sunday."

"How do you know all about it?" asked the saddler. "I've known it for years," said the Notary grandly stoutly too, for he would freely risk his wife's anger that the vain-glory of the moment might be enlarged. "And you keep it even from madame!" said the saddler, with a smile too broad to be sarcastic. "Tiens! if I did that, my wife'd pick my eyes out with a bradawl."

I reckon your wife'd scare any redskin off her clearin'." "Many the time she scart me," said Bill Cowan. And so the matter went by with a laugh. But the grumbling continued, and the danger was that the French would learn of it. The day passed, yet the embers blazed not into the flame of open mutiny.

"How do you know all about it?" asked the saddler. "I've known it for years," said the Notary grandly stoutly too, for he would freely risk his wife's anger that the vain-glory of the moment might be enlarged. "And you keep it even from madame!" said the saddler, with a smile too broad to be sarcastic. "Tiens! if I did that, my wife'd pick my eyes out with a bradawl."

"But inside I ached like the toothache for the poor thing for Elspie. An' I says to her, when she come home: "'Elspie, I says, 'why don't you go out 'round some an' see folks here in the village? The minister's wife'd be rill glad to hev you come, I says. "'Oh, I hate to hev 'em sit thinkin' about me in behind their eyes, s'she, ready. "'What? says I, blank.

Camp 'that this here young man might 'a' meant well, after all, and we wus a little mite hasty; but, ye see, he'd been a-lookin' at us so long, an' my wife'd been a-noticin' it, havin' her mind kind o' sot like on confidence people and sech, that she felt kind o' oneasy at his sharp looks they wus so keen, she said, an' so quick to look away, she got nervous, and said she felt as if he wus a-lookin' right inter my pockets.

Ain smart like dey used to be. An times ain good like dey was. Ef'n it hadnt been for some of dem crazy fools, actin up and smarty, me an my wife'd be gittin maybe a hun'ered an' more dollars a month, 'stead o the fifteen we gits 'tween us for ole' age help. They'd ought to let Rosevelt alone. An its his own folks as is fitin' 'im. He is a big man even ef he is a Democrat. I'm a Republican though.

Ye'd wake up in th' middle iv th' night, dhreamin' that ye was back at th' gas-house with ye'er money gone. Ye'd be prisidint iv a charitable society. Ye'd have to wear ye'er shoes in th' house, an' ye'er wife'd have ye around to rayciptions an dances. Ye'd move to Mitchigan Avnoo, an' ye'd hire a coachman that'd laugh at ye.

I expect she stirred up things over there abeout as much as her son and his wife'd stand, and they shipped her back to Polktown. And Polktown includin' Hopewell will hafter stand it." "It is a shame!" cried Janice, with indignation. Then she added, doubtfully, remembering the unfortunate incident she and Marty and Mrs.

I reckon your wife'd scare any redskin off her clearin'." "Many the time she scart me," said Bill Cowan. And so the matter went by with a laugh. But the grumbling continued, and the danger was that the French would learn of it. The day passed, yet the embers blazed not into the flame of open mutiny.

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