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"The first thing I have done is to kill an inoffensive and intelligent creature." "Intelligent, perhaps," said Jack, "but inoffensive not by a long shot! Where'd we have been if you hadn't killed him? They'd have made mincemeat of us." "No," replied Edmund, sorrowfully shaking his head, "it wasn't necessary. The noise would have sufficed; and I ought to have known it."

That purty piece who damn nigh lost you your life as well as losin' you your money." "You mean the lady with the blue eyes, in black?" "Yes, the golden hair. Lady! Oh, pshaw! Where'd she hook you? At the door?" "You shall not speak of her in that fashion, sir," I answered. "We were together on the train from Omaha. She has been kindness itself.

"Don't be too certain about that," replied another. "If those Indians make up their minds to wipe us out, it's all the same as if we were dead men." "But can't we stand a siege here, and mow them down as they come up?" persisted the other. "Mow them down! Mow the devil down! Why, they're five to one, and, if they rushed us, where'd we be? But never fear, that's not their way of working.

"That isn't very affectionate of Doc., but I wouldn't mention it to any one else; it might get you into trouble," was Simpkins' comment. "You better Holy, jumping Pharaoh! what a husky pussy!" As he spoke a big black cat, with blinking, tawny eyes, sprang from the floor and curled itself up on the youth's desk. "Where'd that "

Hain't she hurted bad?" she asked anxiously, bringing her cap frills to bear on the boy in front. "Yes, I guess so," said Peletiah cheerfully; "she fell way down all over the cat sitting on the stairs." "Where'd you say she fell?" screamed Grandma. "Cellar stairs," Peletiah raised his voice, too, and sprawled out his hands to show how his Aunt Jerusha must have descended.

Penniman threw back the screen door and rushed to embrace him. "You regular fighting so-and-so!" she sobbed. "Where'd you get that talk?" he demanded. Mrs. Penniman wiped her eyes with a dish towel suspended from one arm. "Oh, we heard all about you!" She was warm, and shed gracious aromas. The returned one sniffed these. "It's chops," he said "and and hot biscuits."

"Though I don't see how they did it," declared Slim, somewhat vexed that he and his men were not better able to pick up the trail. "There must be some side passage like that!" suddenly declared Yellin' Kid, leaping from his horse and then, as suddenly disappearing from the sight of his companions. "Hey! What's the idea! Where'd he go?" asked Snake.

Don't be bothering us about that corn-cracking, agery crowd." "Where'd you leave your regiment, you chuckle-headed straggler?" "You were so rattled you couldn't tell which way they went." "Where's your gun?" "Where's your cartridge-box and haversack?" "Where's your cap?" "You were so scared you'd 'a' throwed away your head if it'd been loose!" "Clear out from here, you dead-beat."

A small boy stood grinning at her, with his hands tucked into a pair of trousers so much too long for him they had to be turned up from the ankles to the knees. "Hello," he remarked cheerfully, eyeing Madge owlishly. "Hello yourself," returned Madge. "Do you usually begin the day by throwing stones at peaceful strangers?" "Yes'm," the small boy responded calmly. "Where'd you and that come from?"

"Yes, sir," persisted Blodgett, "everything else out of the question, the house might catch fire to-night, and your entire stock of painted babies go up in smoke. Then where'd they be? Eh?" "See here," said Hawkins, goaded into speech, "you just keep your mind easy on that score at least, will you, papa, dear?" "What's that? What's that?"