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Hugh and I have our lessons at home." "Teaching each other, I suppose?" "O no, Sir," said Fleda, laughing; "Mme. Lascelles and Mr. Schweppenhesser, and Signor Barytone come to teach us, besides our music masters." "Do you ever talk German with this Mr. What's-his-name, who has just gone out with your cousin Marion!" "I never talk to him at all, Sir." "Don't you? Why not? Don't you like him?"

One day he went on deck, and actually gave me the following very intelligible order: "Mr What's-his-name, have the goodness to what-do-ye-call-'em the the thingumbob." "Ay, ay, my lord!" said I. "Afterguard, haul taut the weather main-brace!" This was exactly what he meant. He was very particular and captious when not properly addressed.

My word, it begins to look a trifle spicy. It also begins to look like a case that ought to be dropped before it gets too hot. I guess it's up to me to see my dear old Uncle Charlie What's-His-Name." Whereupon Mr. Gilfillan set off in the wake of the girl who had employed him to catch the masked invader. Charlie Webster wore a troubled expression when he appeared for dinner that same evening.

I thought that you would have said something kind to me. And the unfortunate young woman burst out into tears. 'It was so dreadful, said Lady Pomona; 'so very dreadful. I never heard of anything so bad. When young what's-his-name married the tallow-chandler's daughter I thought it would have killed me if it had been Dolly; but this was worse than that. Her father was a methodist.

After standing through that long and exciting sitting of the Chamber in the dust of the gallery, his legs ached as if he had spent two nights in a railway carriage; and as his resolve to die blended with his longing for a good bath, it occurred to the old sybarite to go to sleep in a bath-tub like What's-his-name Thingamy ps ps ps and other famous characters of antiquity.

And yet for years and years Monsieur Delobelle had been unavailingly drinking vermouth with dramatic agents, absinthe with leaders of claques, bitters with vaudevillists, dramatists, and the famous what's-his-name, author of several great dramas. Engagements did not always follow.

Mary-'Gusta, if you and that consarned what's-his-name Jimmie go into that parlor again, unless Isaiah or one of us are with you, I I by the jumpin' Judas, me and Zoeth won't let you go to the Sunday school picnic. There! I mean that and so does Zoeth. Shut up, Zoeth! You do mean it, too.

"Horace, you must positively go and see Henry What's-his-name in the Foreign Office and get me a passport for Cannes. The weather in England in the winter is incredibly exaggerated!" "At least," said the doctor, rubbing his back as he warmed himself at the fire, "we have fuel in England. Give me England, climate and all, but don't take away my fire.

"Where did I leave off?" "It was where where the" and Richard knitted his brows in the vain effort to remember "where the young daguerreotypist, what's-his-name, took up his residence in the House of the Seven Gables." "No, sir! You stand convicted. It was ten pages further on. The last words were," and Margaret read from the book,

Somebody must take the woman in, and perhaps it was natural. But if that Colonel What's-his-name makes his way down to Nuncombe Putney, your mother must send her packing, if she has any respect either for herself or for Priscilla."