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Updated: August 26, 2024

The king, in the mean while, after Weingarten had left him, walked thoughtfully up and down his room. At times he raised his head and gazed with a proud, questioning glance at the sky. Great thoughts were at work within him. Now Frederick throws back his head proudly, and his eyes sparkle. "The time has come," said he, in a loud, full voice.

This event, which is interwoven with my tragical history, will be related hereafter: my heart bleeds, my very soul shudders, when I recollect this dreadful scene. I have not the means fully to recompense her children; and Weingarten, the just object of vengeance, is long since in the grave; for did he exist, the earth should not hide him from my sword.

Turning to Baron Weingarten, he said: "That which we ask of you will be at the same time a service to our gracious empress, for certainly it would not only distress, but compromise her majesty, if an Austrian officer committed a murder in Prussia." "Murder!" cried the secretary of legation. "Yes, an intentional murder," said Baron Waltz, emphatically "the murder of the King of Prussia.

The majestic Baron von Waltz looked silently at the ceiling, while the black, piercing eyes of the little Councillor Zetto examined the countenance of Weingarten with a strangely searching and penetrating expression. "You are from Vienna?" said Weingarten at last, putting an end to this painful silence. "We are from Vienna," answered the baron, with a grave bow.

The king continued, with an engaging smile. "However, monsieur, I owe you many thanks, and it would please me to have an opportunity of rewarding you." Until this moment, Weingarten had been standing with bowed head, he now stood erect, and his eye dared to meet that of the king.

His reason for betraying me was that he might secure the thousand florins which I had drawn for on Vienna; for the receipt of the 24th of May, 1755, attests that the sum was paid, by the administrators of my effects, to Count Puebla, and has since been brought to account; nor can I believe that Weingarten did not appropriate this sum to himself, since I cannot be persuaded the ambassador would commit such an action, although the receipt is in his handwriting, as may easily be demonstrated, it being now in my possession.

If you prevent this crime, you will receive ten thousand guilders," said Zetto, examining Weingarten's countenance closely. He remarked that the baron, who was but a moment ago pale from terror, now reddened, and that his eyes sparkled joyously. "And what can I do to prevent this murder?" asked Weingarten, hastily. "You can warn the king." "But to warn successfully, I must have proofs."

Stop, reader, if thou hast a heart, and in that heart compassion for the unfortunate! Stop and imagine what my sensations are while I remember and recount a part only of the injustice that has been done me, a part only of the tyranny I have endured! By this last act of treachery of Weingarten was I held in chains, the most horrible, for nine succeeding years!

"If I strengthen my declaration with this paper, will you trust me?" Weingarten looked with joyful astonishment at the paper; it was a check for two thousand guilders. "My sister's dowry," thought Weingarten, with joy. But the next moment came doubt and suspicion. What if they were only trying him only convincing themselves if he could be bought?

Placing the paper again in his pocket-book, he took out another and a larger one. It was a check for three thousand guilders. But Weingarten had regained his composure. He knew that men acting thus must be spies or criminals; that they were testing him, or luring him on to some unworthy act. In either case, he must be on his guard.

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