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I was not content to bear forever the chains of bondage; I wished to be free from want. I determined it should no more be said that the sisters of Count Weingarten had to earn their bread by their needlework, while he feasted sumptuously at the royal table. This it was that caused my ruin.

"He will not dare to cross the borders of my state, for he knows he will be court-martialled as a deserter. But I am convinced that he is a bold adventurer, he has boasted that he will defy me, that is certainly what no one has done before him, and what no one will do after him, but it will rest there, you may believe me." Baron Weingarten bowed silently.

First, your salary as a member of the commission; secondly, as a creditor " "And thirdly you spoke of a threefold advantage?" "And thirdly," said Weingarten, laughing, "in searching for the missing treasures of Baron Trenck which had disappeared so unfortunately."

I was prompted to elaborate this subject which had long been shaping itself to perfect conception in my mind as ripe material for a romance by my readings in Coptic monkish annals, to which I was led by Abel's Coptic studies; and I afterwards received a further stimulus from the small but weighty essay by H. Weingarten on the origin of monasticism, in which I still study the early centuries of Christianity, especially in Egypt.

This is not the place in which to indicate the points on which I feel myself obliged to differ from Weingarten. My acute fellow-laborer at Breslau clears away much which does not deserve to remain, but in many parts of his book he seems to me to sweep with too hard a broom.

In order to liquidate those debts, we desired his creditors to announce themselves every day, and promised them a daily ducat until the end of the process." "I hope you two gentlemen were among his creditors," said Weingarten. "Certainly, we were, and also Baron Marken." "Therefore you have a threefold advantage from Trenck's imprisonment.

She was received by Weingarten in the most friendly manner, who, by his questions, drew from her the whole secret, and our intended plan of flight, aided by the two grenadiers, and also that she had a letter for my sister, which she must carry to Hammer, near Custrin.