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Why, he has none a phenomenon four legs and a tail, but no head, as I am a gentleman lively enough, too, he is, don't seem to miss it much." Here poor Smoothpate made a violent walloping in a vain attempt to disentangle himself.

To dash about Barbie in a gig, with a big dog walloping behind, his coat-collar high about his ears, and the reek of a meerschaum pipe floating white and blue many yards behind him, jovial and sordid nonsense about home that had been his ideal. His father, he thought angrily, had encouraged the ideal, and now he forbade it, like the brute he was.

"I've managed bigger places than this in Demerara, and on no one of them have I ever seen a nigger struck. But then, you see, in Demerara the planters are Englishmen, and Englishmen as a rule don't shine at nigger walloping." Sherard, a black-visaged Marylander, snapped his teeth together and, smothering his rage, tried to laugh the matter off. "Well, I suppose you're right, Prout.

After all," Warrington added, letting go his reserve; "you're the only friend I have. Why shouldn't I tell you that immediately I am going out in search of him, and that when I find him I am going to give him the worst walloping he ever heard tell of. The Lord didn't give me all this bone and muscle for the purpose of walking around trouble. Doesn't sound very dignified, does it?

"Yes; but I happen to know that he was badly upset," returned Joyce. "Twice he sent me the wrong signal about the numbers to call, and he admitted it afterward. He was afraid, before the game was twenty minutes' old, that we were up against a big walloping." "Oh, well," Darrin replied, with a shrug of his shoulders, "the Navy is just as used as the Army is to being walloped in athletics.

"Say, Matt," he queried plaintively, "are you still mad over that walloping I gave you?" "Well-l, no. I think I've recovered. And I'm not willing to admit I was walloped. The best you got out of our little mix-up with the Tillicum was a lucky draw." "I'm still out a lot of money," Cappy admitted.

My eyesight yaws to and again, d'ye see; then there's such a walloping and whushing in my hold smite me Lord have mercy upon us. Here, you swab, ne'er mind the glass, hand me the noggin." The latter part of this address was directed to the waiter, who had returned with a quartern of brandy, which Crowe, snatching eagerly, started into his bread-room at one cant.

Get busy!" Maurice commanded. They played, neither of them with much zest, and both of them with glances toward the road. The walloping was fairly divided; but it was Maurice who gave out first, and said he had to go home. "Tell Edith I'll come over to-night," Johnny called after him. "I'm not carrying billets-doux," Maurice retorted.

Wotcha expect her to do? She's gotta to get over to the other side, ain't she? Cert'nly she's gone." She looked at him interested. "Do you want to be on board her?" "Of course I do." "Then, for the love of Pete, wotcha doin' walloping off'n her like a sack of potatoes?" "I slipped. I was pushed or something." Sam sprang to his feet and looked wildly about him. "I must get back.

Out go your legs, out fling your arms, off goes your hat; and the next thing you feel that is, I did is a most tremendous thwack across the chest, and my feet jerked out of the stirrups: me left in the branches of a tree; Trumpeter gone clean from under me, and walloping and floundering in the ditch underneath.