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They were by this time close to the royal chariot, near which stood a dismounted trooper, holding his horse by the bridle with one hand, while over his other arm he held unfolded the long, black military cloak in which officers and men alike were wont to envelop themselves at night time to protect their armour and accoutrements from the drenching night dews.

My position, Miss Eyre, with my back to the fire, and my face to the room, favours observation. She pulled out of her box, about ten minutes ago, a little pink silk frock; rapture lit her face as she unfolded it; coquetry runs in her blood, blends with her brains, and seasons the marrow of her bones. 'Il faut que je l'essaie! cried she, 'et a l'instant meme! and she rushed out of the room.

At the same time, the usher handed him the paper. He unfolded it, and as he chanced to be near the light, he could read it. "The President of the Court of Assizes presents his respects to M. Madeleine." He crushed the paper in his hand as though those words contained for him a strange and bitter aftertaste. He followed the usher.

"I do not understand the Roumanian tongue," responded Frau von Wallmoden, with a slight sneer; "and I imagine Herr Rojanow has not condescended to write in German." For answer Egon drew a paper from his pocket, and unfolded it. "You are prejudiced against my friend, I see, but I do not want to leave him in the false light in which he has placed himself in your eyes.

Suddenly he paused as he unfolded a piece of note paper, and we gathered around to read: MY DEAR STELLA: Have something very important to tell you. Will you lunch Tuesday at the P. G. tearoom? "Tuesday " murmured Kennedy. "And this is Monday. Who who is Larry, I wonder?" I hastened to answer the question for him. It was my first opportunity to display my knowledge of the picture players.

In the compass of thirty-six years since this great national covenant was instituted a body of laws enacted under its authority and in conformity with its provisions has unfolded its powers and carried into practical operation its effective energies.

"I did not intend it, but I was impelled by a feeling I could not resist. I was surprised and strangely thrilled at my own words as I unfolded to my friend the proofs of the truth of Christianity, culminating in the incarnation, death, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ. He seemed to have grasped the truths as presented, a great calm came over him, and he died a believer.

He broke the seal, tore the envelope, unfolded the letter, put it directly under the light, and read as follows: "You are hideous; I am beautiful. You are a player; I am a duchess. I am the highest; you are the lowest. I desire you! I love you! Come!" One jet of flame hardly makes a prick in the darkness; another sets fire to a volcano. Some sparks are gigantic.

When he did return, and the subject was cautiously unfolded to him, he spent many minutes in pishing and pshawing at the folly and impetuosity of young Baronets, who, knowing nothing of the tenure on which they hold their estates, cannot at least wait till they consult wiser people before they throw them away.

Wolf assented with joyous eagerness, while Barbara's cheeks crimsoned with pleasure at so valuable a promise. Yet this subject speedily came to a close, for while talking Wolf had ripped the linen cover in which the roll of velvet was sewed, and, as soon as he unfolded the rich wine-coloured material, Barbara forgot everything else, and burst into loud exclamations of pleasure and admiration.