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The doctor unfolded the War Office message. Regret to report Sergeant O'Mara killed in assault on Targai yesterday. "He was a good husband," said Margaret O'Mara, simply; "and we were very happy." The doctor held out his hand. "I am proud to have met you, Mrs. O'Mara. This seems to me the bravest thing I have ever known a woman do." She smiled through her tears.

The narrative was unfolded with additions and explanations; the boy made a picture of it to himself; his mother had taught him everything in this way. Assyrian warriors with pointed beards, oblique eyes, and oblong shields, had to represent the Israelites; they marched by in an endless procession.

Fenger, Ted, Haynes-Cooper, her work, her plans, her ambitions, seemed to dwindle to puny insignificance beside the vast grandeur that unfolded before her at every fresh turn in the road. Up they went, and up, and up, and the air was cold, but without a sting in it. It was dark when the lights of the Inn twinkled out at them. The door was thrown open as they swung up the curve to the porch.

Clancy listened while they breakfasted. Then he unfolded a record of local events. "The Bureau has known for some time that Senator Meiklejohn's past offered some rather remarkable problems," he said, dropping his bantering air and speaking seriously. "We have never ceased making guarded inquiries. I am here now for that very purpose.

"No one wants me here now that Annémie is gone," she thought to herself, as the sweet green spring days unfolded themselves one by one like the buds of the brier-rose hedges. And now and then even the loyal little soul of her gave way, and sobbing on her lonely bed in the long dark nights, she would cry out against him, "Oh, why not have left me alone? I was so happy so happy!"

He looked sharply from one to the other, and, as they both bowed assent, he opened the satchel he had brought with him, and proceeded to take out the document which meant so much to Kendal, unfolded it with great precision, and in his high, metallic voice he read it through slowly and impressively.

"Sidney's prose is treasureable, not only for its absolute merits, but as the bud from which English prose, that gorgeous and varied flower, has unfolded." FRANCIS THOMPSON, "The Prose of Poets." The study of one's own language is the very heart of a modern education; to the study of English, therefore, belongs a central place in the education of English-speaking girls.

For a fortnight he kept me in an agony of despair, when one day he called me to him and unfolded to me a scheme by which I could make a considerable amount of money; indeed, he promised to pay me a yearly sum for my assistance." "You thought him to be a doctor and nothing else?" Walter said. "Exactly.

PHILOSOPHY IN GERMANY. In Germany the decline of the school of Hegel was succeeded by a sort of anarchy in philosophy. Lotze. in his Microcosm, has unfolded, in a style attractive to the general reader, profound and genial views of man, nature, and religion.

Taking it up, he tore it open decisively; and as the envelope fell to the ground he unfolded the pink paper and read the message scrawled thereon. "Just arrived Southampton will be with you about ten o'clock. The paper fluttered to the floor and Barry consulted his watch hastily. "Ten o'clock! Why, it's that now. So Owen's home. By Jove, what an unlucky day he's chosen!"